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Oct. 14, 2024

Ready to Break Free From Diets Through Using the UN-diet Approach? Let's Do It!

Ready to Break Free From Diets Through Using the UN-diet Approach? Let's Do It!

In this episode, Sheila Kelty—aka the "UN-diet coach"—shares her raw, inspirational story of overcoming severe health struggles in her 50s, including obesity and multiple spinal surgeries. Frustrated by traditional diets that only made things worse, Sheila found a new path focusing on healing the relationship between food and the body. Her story is packed with practical tips and empowering insights, proving that sustainable wellness starts with a positive mindset. 

Discover how Sheila kicked her sugar addiction, embraced self-compassion, and redefined health in midlife. She also reveals powerful strategies for managing menopause naturally, emphasizing the role of gut health and explaining how understanding the *microbiome* can help balance hormones without relying on HRT. From social settings to stress eating, Sheila shows how small but meaningful choices can lead to long-term success. 

If you’re ready to ditch the diet culture and rebuild trust in your body, this episode is for you. Hit play now and take the first step toward lasting health and freedom! 

👉 Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe to stay inspired!

Most people know me as the “UN-Diet Coach.” I empower people to FINALLY stop dieting and instead develop an effortless relationship with food and their bodies for a lifetime of optimized health and wellness – despite chronic health challenges or their age!

But what you may not know about me is that at one point not too long ago, I was one meatball sub away from morbidly obese. And my doctors were of no use AT ALL!  I was severely diabetic, had serious gut health and gluten intolerance issues, struggled with a spinal condition that had me in and out of an electric wheelchair, and had out-of-control inflammation from various autoimmune conditions. I was a wreck. 

So I decided not to accept the diminished life they’d planned out for me, and I began what ended up being a very long, very expensive, very stressful journey to find a holistic solution to save my life. I had to find out how to get control of my body – and my life – again. It took many years of work and research, reeducation, and dedication to discover the secrets to the health and life I was being denied, simply because I did not meet my doctor’s standards of the conventional “diet” wisdom of the times. 

This is why I do what I do! Because too many of us who suffer with chronic illness and nagging health issues are perpetually, hopelessly dieting with no lasting results or real healing. So I help them reboot and relearn how their bodies REALLY work. My passion is to empower people of every age and ability level to thrive and make authentic choices and to live vibrantly with purpose and confidence.


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Lynnis Woods-Mullins

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00:05 - Transformative Journey

10:02 - Transformative Mindset for Weight Loss

17:20 - Maintaining Long-Term Weight Loss Success



00:00:05.131 --> 00:00:09.560
What was your turning point in realizing that traditional diets weren't the answer?

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I tell people I was one meatball sub away from that morbidly obese BMI level.

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My doctors had said you can't move, you can't exercise, so you're probably gonna die in the next few years.

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My therapist said I'm not talking you into dying young why don't you use that brain of yours and go figure it out?

00:00:44.941 --> 00:00:52.726
Hi, I'm Linus Woods Mullins and I love to help women to vibe, to be more vibrant, intuitive, beautiful and empowered in midlife.

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So come on, let's vibe.

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One of the favorite things that I get to do working for myself is I get to decide who I want to work with.

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That's one of the best things, and I'm so glad that I get a chance to work with Sheila Kelty.

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She is absolutely amazing.

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If you're looking for something really different when it comes to your weight loss journey, you definitely want to consider Sheila Kelty's program.

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In fact, they call her the undiet coach, because that's one of the first things you're going to learn about.

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Her is that she's out with the diet thing.

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She's an elite class master health and wellness coach, and her passion is partnering with clients just like you listeners, who are looking for a breakthrough, for a change in their old health barriers and basically having a lifelong optimized wellness program that's going to empower them to build an effortless relationship with food and their bodies and boy is that important when we are going through this midlife journey.

00:01:59.186 --> 00:02:02.480
So, Sheila, thank you so much for being on the Vibe Living podcast.

00:02:02.480 --> 00:02:03.784
It's wonderful to have you here today.

00:02:03.805 --> 00:02:05.328
It's wonderful to be here.

00:02:05.328 --> 00:02:06.772
Linus, Thank you for having me.

00:02:08.461 --> 00:02:09.042
It's so funny.

00:02:09.042 --> 00:02:13.081
We've worked together before and I didn't even realize that you had not been on the podcast.

00:02:13.081 --> 00:02:18.336
Each time we talked about it, we didn't get a book.

00:02:18.336 --> 00:02:20.602
So this is a special pleasure to have you here.

00:02:20.622 --> 00:02:21.884
It's my pleasure.

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I know your story, but there might be some listeners who do not, so please tell us our story and why you are so passionate about the idea of getting rid of diets.

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Well, it started in my early 50s.

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I had just gotten done with a series of my first 12 spinal surgeries.

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I had spinal collapse.

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I was in an electric wheelchair, had six more after that.

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I'm fused from my neck down to my lumbar, with very few places left that don't have fusions, and I had kind of given up.

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I'd allow myself to get morbidly obese.

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I tell people I was one meatball sub away from that morbidly obese BMI level and I just surrendered.

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I just said I'm going to die early.

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My doctors had said you can't move, you can't exercise, so you're probably going to die in the next few years.

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I was severely diabetic, my lupus was out of control and a couple other autoimmune things going on and there was no hope of me ever getting up and walking or doing anything again.

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They actually sent me to a therapist to help me adjust to how I was going to be dying soon, because they felt I was being the fly in the ointment, the squeaky wheel.

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You know, just stop making it hard for everybody else.

00:03:41.388 --> 00:03:42.282
Just accept.

00:03:42.282 --> 00:03:44.370
You know, make the most of the time you have left.

00:03:44.370 --> 00:03:47.486
My therapist said I'm not talking you into dying young.

00:03:47.486 --> 00:03:50.161
Why don't you use that brain of yours and go figure it out.

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In my previous life I run an IT firm, a technology firm and 75 employees and you know power woman out doing everything and I had to walk away from all of that when my spine fell apart and he's like, this guy knew me well.

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He said you just, you're not the kind of person who gives up what's going on.

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So my doctors walked away, they shrugged, they walked away.

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My now ex-husband walked out.

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He said I'm not doing this anymore.

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So there was me in an electric wheelchair waiting to die and I got on my laptop one night and in the middle of the night, as these things come to us in the middle of the night, when we're up looking through the whole world, I came across a way that really spoke to me.

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Now I had tried 35 different diets over the last previous 10, 15 years of my life, trying to get a hold of this out of control weight gain that I'd had.

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I tried being a vegan for a while, but the VEG part of vegan had been lost.

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The veg part had been lost on me.

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I was a carbotarian.

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I you know rice, bread, pasta.

00:04:59.456 --> 00:05:01.706
They're all vegan, I think we all have been through that.

00:05:01.786 --> 00:05:01.987

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Carbotarian phase.

00:05:04.622 --> 00:05:06.406
Yeah, pasta is going to save my life.

00:05:06.406 --> 00:05:07.569
Well, it didn't.

00:05:07.569 --> 00:05:10.324
It actually made my diabetes much worse.

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I tried gluten-free.

00:05:11.709 --> 00:05:13.595
That made me much worse.

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Everything was just making me sicker and sicker, and sicker.

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And as I got sicker, I got bigger and it was out of control.

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I didn't even have to eat and I would be gaining weight.

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I didn't know where that was coming from.

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I'd gone through early menopause, with a full hysterectomy and ooverectomy at the age of 40.

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So I was very early having menopause.

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So there was that weight.

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That happened at age 40.

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And now I was around 52, 53 years old, around 52, 53 years old, and I was up and I was listening to this man talking about stopping dieting, that diets don't work, and I was like, wait a minute, this guy's speaking.

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I went back to that video.

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I'm like what's he talking about?

00:05:59.713 --> 00:06:06.072
And he was saying that he jumps out of bed like a sixth grader and can eat whatever he wants.

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And I'm just like, tell me more.

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Because it spoke to me, because diets do not work.

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Diets are white, knuckling it through however long you are until you can get to the other side and get back to your foods, and that doesn't work.

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We all know that doesn't work and it was about using food as medicine and using mindset.

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Shifts had nothing to do with all the working out that my doctors wanted me to do, that I couldn't do from a wheelchair an electric wheelchair at that and it was all about changing your body chemistry and educating yourself about how this thing works, getting the user's manual for this.

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Well, I jumped on and I said I've got nothing to lose but the weight, everything to gain.

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I maybe get a few more years of my life back.

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That was my only goal at the time.

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My diabetes went away within six months completely.

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I went from five different diabetes medications and A1C the number that tells you historically what your blood sugar levels are.

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Normal is around 5.5 and below Prediabetic is around 6.

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Diabetes officially starts anywhere from 6 to 6.2.

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I was at 9.8.

00:07:21.247 --> 00:07:27.394
I was super diabetic and I had all kinds of vision problems already.

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Neuropathy, all kinds of hitting in my pancreas, and I lost part of my liver to.

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My lupus was out of control.

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All of that started clearing up.

00:07:38.302 --> 00:07:43.269
I no medications, didn't need anything went from 23 medications down to two.

00:07:43.269 --> 00:07:47.321
The weight was just flying off of my body.

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Pretty soon I wasn't even obese anymore and I was up out of my wheelchair.

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I now walk around just fine.

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I can't walk for a long time.

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I do have a manual wheelchair.

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I have had 18 spinal surgeries and sometimes my spine doesn't want to cooperate, but I got my life back and I look like my own granddaughter compared to what I look.

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You know my before pictures.

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I mean insert whatever pictures you want at any point.

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People can't believe I'm the same person.

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They have to like see my ID and and see my before and after pictures and the transformation.

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I thought would be about getting back to my jeans, having revenge on my ex-husband who walked out looking really good.

00:08:31.382 --> 00:08:32.565
You know, the best revenge is looking good in your jeans.

00:08:32.565 --> 00:08:32.745
You know.

00:08:32.745 --> 00:08:37.114
And my dream outfit was a white crisp button-up shirt.

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You know the collar shirt tucked in with a belt, jeans and little kitten heel boots.

00:08:43.011 --> 00:08:45.967
This is like my dream outfit and I wear that.

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Now that that's like the clothing that I wear.

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It's a cold day here in Portland.

00:08:50.316 --> 00:08:54.187
I've got my turtleneck on, but I can wear whatever I want to wear.

00:08:54.187 --> 00:09:01.003
Even my cellulite went away All of it was like grapes hanging off the back of me and they're gone.

00:09:01.644 --> 00:09:09.442
And it all has to do with getting healthy first, and then the weight comes off, naturally.

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Your body doesn't want to be overweight.

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Your body doesn't want to be obese.

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That's a disease.

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Obesity, ladies, it's a disease.

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And at some point the disease takes over and you're gaining weight out of nowhere and you don't know what's going on and nothing you're going to do in the traditional, conventional dieting realm is ever going to work.

00:09:27.246 --> 00:09:32.595
That is a $72.5 billion a year industry.

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It's gone up by about $10 billion a year because of Ozempic and all of the shots and the GLP-1 inhibitors.

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And they only succeed when their bottom line goes up.

00:09:46.591 --> 00:09:53.100
And their bottom line goes up when you need to go back and be a repeat customer.

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They need you to fail so they can keep making money for their bottom line and their investors.

00:09:57.991 --> 00:09:59.841
This is true, this is absolutely true.

00:10:00.283 --> 00:10:01.445
This is absolutely true.

00:10:01.445 --> 00:10:14.846
Now I know you talk a lot about you know food is medicine and kind of rebooting, basically our overall wellness when it comes to the process of releasing unwanted pounds.

00:10:14.846 --> 00:10:18.653
But talk a little bit about how the mindset enters into that.

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Okay, well, I can tell you people.

00:10:21.586 --> 00:10:24.400
The first thing people ask me is always well, what's the food list?

00:10:24.400 --> 00:10:28.471
Let's get going, give me my food list, give me my meal plan, because it's all diets are about.

00:10:28.471 --> 00:10:29.743
Here's your food, go eat it.

00:10:30.443 --> 00:10:46.054
Right, we all know that doesn't work, because unless you work on what's going on up here, how you feel about yourself, your self compassion levels, where they feel like you deserve to be healthy, whether or not your sugar addiction is under control, it's a highly addictive substance.

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It's not a joke.

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It is as addictive as heroin and cocaine combined and it's got a hold on you.

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And then one of the first things we do is to break that hold, that addictive hold, and then all the food noise stops and all the needing to snack stops and all of the scrounging for snacks at night, and it all goes away and you sleep well and you feel healthy and you feel calm and your cortisol goes down.

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All of those things happen when you get healthy and get off all the sugar.

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So the mindset part of it is what allows you to make those choices on those food lists and in those meal plans, to take those lessons that we learn in the Reboot program that I have about teaching you how your body works and all of that so that you understand it.

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And I watch my clients do the most amazing thing and you've heard me say this before but it's when it goes from them on session saying I miss my let's see it like popcorn at the movies, or I miss my chocolate.

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After every dinner we used to sit around and have chocolate.

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Is it chocolate good for you?

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And you're trying to have the sweets and the treats and the everything and I miss and I can't have and I can't have and, oh, I miss my pizza.

00:12:02.958 --> 00:12:11.289
They go from that and there's real grief to having to give up a lot of the things that we know are not good for us.

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All right, but it is the grieving process because that's our comfort zone and everything.

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But we make the shift from I can't have that to I won't put that in my body anymore.

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When you learn why it's bad for you and you work on your self-compassion to raise your standards of what you're willing to put in your body, what you're not, the decisions are a snap.

00:12:36.375 --> 00:12:42.115
It's not even a decision, it's like well, yeah, I can stand in line in the morning at the coffee shop.

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I walk my little dog and we go out, we get coffee.

00:12:44.659 --> 00:12:51.370
It's Portland, you can throw a rock in at a coffee shop and and, but they line you up in front of the pastry case, right Cause they want you.

00:12:52.655 --> 00:12:56.466
And you said that you drool and you see people just like, oh, like looking at the pastries.

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But I don't.

00:12:57.976 --> 00:13:04.865
I'm like checking out my emails and I get up there and then I get it and I leave and I don't even, it doesn't even call my name anymore.

00:13:10.674 --> 00:13:14.524
Wow, that's amazing, and you're right, that result has to do a lot with your mindset and the other part you mentioned earlier about.

00:13:14.524 --> 00:13:25.881
You share a lot of information in terms of what these foods that we love, that we know aren't good, but what they're actually doing and how they're waylaying our weight loss results.

00:13:25.881 --> 00:13:30.596
So I could see how that could be a good thing to be able to master.

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But sometimes people have problems with getting to that point.

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You know they got the information and now you know how.

00:13:37.219 --> 00:13:42.481
They say information is powerful, but acting on the information is what makes the difference.

00:13:42.481 --> 00:13:52.701
So how do you help women get to that point where they're ready to actually act on the information instead of just gathering it all and still not quite doing it?

00:13:53.442 --> 00:13:54.465
It's a great question.

00:13:54.465 --> 00:13:59.121
The very first week on my program people are like I said.

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They're saying what's my food?

00:14:00.144 --> 00:14:03.259
Give me, my food, give me, because that's what we're used to in diet culture.

00:14:03.259 --> 00:14:05.806
We start with mindset.

00:14:05.806 --> 00:14:14.549
We don't start with the foods, we start with the education and the mindset portion and the very first thing I ask people to do is simply stop snacking.

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Just stop snacking.

00:14:16.575 --> 00:14:18.000
Just have your three meals.

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You know a nice amount of time in between each to let your body rest and digest.

00:14:23.719 --> 00:14:26.304
And people say, well, how much can I eat and what?

00:14:26.304 --> 00:14:29.162
How many ounces and how many carbs and how many this and how many calories.

00:14:29.162 --> 00:14:30.318
It's like eat until you're full.

00:14:30.318 --> 00:14:34.082
I'm like really One lady said, but I like having two steaks.

00:14:34.082 --> 00:14:35.934
I'm like I have two steaks, you know.

00:14:35.934 --> 00:14:40.967
Just have, you know, from acceptable foods, not from sugary foods and everything.

00:14:40.967 --> 00:14:41.355
You know.

00:14:41.355 --> 00:14:50.970
We give some basic standards of what to choose from, but eat until you're full and I teach them how to get back to what full and hungry are.

00:14:51.049 --> 00:14:52.197
But we've lost that.

00:14:52.197 --> 00:14:59.879
In this country especially, we are the most fed people in history and we eat by the clock Eight.

00:14:59.879 --> 00:15:01.361
I need breakfast it's 11.

00:15:01.361 --> 00:15:03.125
I need second breakfast it's one.

00:15:03.125 --> 00:15:05.015
I need lunch it's three.

00:15:05.015 --> 00:15:08.484
I need my afternoon cookie it's five, I need this.

00:15:08.484 --> 00:15:10.168
It's bedtime, I need that.

00:15:11.035 --> 00:15:23.818
And it screws up our hormones because most of weight has to do with mind and hormones what your mind's telling you to do and your mind actually tells your hunger and satiety hormones a lot of what they end up doing.

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That's why food network is so dangerous for some of my very obese clients who watch it like food porn, and one guy who's like bite that burger, bobby Flay.

00:15:32.923 --> 00:15:35.181
You know he's like watching his.

00:15:35.181 --> 00:15:35.562

00:15:35.562 --> 00:15:36.666
I'm watching my food porn.

00:15:36.666 --> 00:15:39.839
He wasn't losing weight and it really is that.

00:15:39.839 --> 00:15:44.904
Eat with your eyes, your body, and he was staying addicted to all the foods from watching it.

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It was feeding him, he was feeding his addiction complex.

00:15:49.149 --> 00:15:53.663
When he walked away from that the weight just fell off of him and he lost weight very, very quickly.

00:15:53.663 --> 00:15:57.580
So a lot, it's so much goes on in your brain.

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You can inform yourself whether you're hungry or not.

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You can inform yourself of what you're willing and not willing to eat.

00:16:02.321 --> 00:16:08.081
The sensation of thirst is the same as sensation, as hunger, that same growling in your tummy.

00:16:08.081 --> 00:16:10.727
Sometimes you just need a glass of water.

00:16:10.828 --> 00:16:11.470

00:16:11.470 --> 00:16:13.615
It's amazing how much migration is important.

00:16:13.894 --> 00:16:18.230
And then we get into the meal planning and then we get into all of that.

00:16:18.230 --> 00:16:20.297
To do that first is cart before the horse.

00:16:20.297 --> 00:16:25.668
That's where diets fail and people say it was so easy, like week three.

00:16:25.668 --> 00:16:33.544
They're saying I went to a party and I didn't even want to have any of the food and I did the preparation exercise before I went.

00:16:33.544 --> 00:16:42.681
I did the mindfulness exercise and preparation and when I got there, people like, wow, you look great and I knew what to do and I felt confident.

00:16:42.681 --> 00:16:45.967
And every time you do that I'll share something.

00:16:45.967 --> 00:16:47.634
Really that's in depth.

00:16:47.634 --> 00:16:50.342
That's really a cool thing that I've been doing lately.

00:16:50.342 --> 00:16:51.206
It's very powerful.

00:16:51.754 --> 00:16:53.659
Have you heard of your self-trust bank?

00:16:53.659 --> 00:16:55.806
No, tell us about it.

00:16:55.806 --> 00:17:02.337
Your self-trust bank is how you've heard trust banks Like when you want to trust someone.

00:17:02.337 --> 00:17:08.009
Every time they do something that's trustworthy, they're making a deposit in your ability.

00:17:08.009 --> 00:17:11.156
They're raising their balance of trust in you.

00:17:11.156 --> 00:17:17.421
So if you meet a guy and he does trustworthy things, every time he does, you trust him more Well.

00:17:17.421 --> 00:17:20.329
It works really well on ourselves as well.

00:17:20.892 --> 00:17:39.803
So if you're going to that party or you're going to that event or on a date or whatever it is a family gathering and you make good, healthy, supportive choices, you stick with the I won't put that in my body and you're truly okay with what it is you're choosing to have and you enjoy yourself and you enjoy your company.

00:17:39.803 --> 00:17:46.403
When you're leaving the event or the date or whatever you can say, I'm so proud.

00:17:46.403 --> 00:17:49.348
You see how you kind of say I'm so proud of myself, I did a good job.

00:17:49.348 --> 00:17:51.780
That's a deposit in your trust bank.

00:17:51.780 --> 00:18:01.086
Then the next time you go to an event, you trust yourself that you are going to be able to support yourself and be there for yourself in those moments.

00:18:01.086 --> 00:18:05.923
So then you do even better and easier and by the third, fourth, fifth time it's a snap.

00:18:06.063 --> 00:18:17.383
It's that effortlessness Because I eat whatever I want, I go wherever I want, you can drop me in the middle of any kind of Italian restaurant, pizza place, whatever, any country, any time of day or night.

00:18:17.383 --> 00:18:17.943
I'm fine.

00:18:17.943 --> 00:18:23.679
I don't think about food all day long, I just eat when I'm hungry and I eat what I want.

00:18:23.679 --> 00:18:28.605
I can eat up to 4,000 calories a day and I can't gain weight.

00:18:28.605 --> 00:18:30.186
It's hard for me to gain weight.

00:18:30.606 --> 00:18:40.763
My metabolism is so set at the set point it's at and we help you get to that set point and get that metabolic security going on.

00:18:40.763 --> 00:18:45.542
And you mentioned hormones and that kind of brought to mind another question, because most of my listeners the average age is between 45 and 55 women.

00:18:45.542 --> 00:18:46.445
That's the majority of my listeners.

00:18:46.445 --> 00:18:47.911
The average age is between 45 and 55 women.

00:18:47.911 --> 00:18:49.375
That's the majority of my listeners.

00:18:49.375 --> 00:18:53.724
Where does menopause come in with all of this?

00:18:53.724 --> 00:18:57.157
When it comes to the hormones going up and down the weight gain?

00:18:57.157 --> 00:18:59.544
How do you manage all that when you're working with women?

00:19:00.445 --> 00:19:01.167
Or is that a factor?

00:19:01.167 --> 00:19:08.079
It is a major factor, but it's not the factor of simply time has gone by and your hormones have shifted.

00:19:08.079 --> 00:19:13.564
People think of it well ding, my timer's gone off, I've got menopause.

00:19:13.564 --> 00:19:15.404
Now I've got these things I've got to deal with.

00:19:15.404 --> 00:19:17.967
It's not that simple.

00:19:17.967 --> 00:19:19.788
Hormone creeps up very slowly.

00:19:19.788 --> 00:19:21.490
There's a process to it.

00:19:21.490 --> 00:19:32.323
There's signs and symptoms you can look at, but there's a lot of things having to do, for instance, with your gut and how your hormones are balanced, especially estrogens.

00:19:32.323 --> 00:19:34.971
They've discovered something called an estrobolome.

00:19:34.971 --> 00:19:50.467
So the micro bolome is your microbes in your body, these different kinds of bacteria and viruses and all the different good guys and bad guys and germies that run our bodies, our second brain, and they each have a different one for different things that they do, that control different things.

00:19:50.467 --> 00:19:53.644
And there's one for estrogen called the estrofolome.

00:19:54.194 --> 00:20:05.362
Now we think of menopause being our ovaries shut down and that lake of estrogen we used to have that lived down in our lower abdomen suddenly gone, like it all comes from our ovaries.

00:20:05.362 --> 00:20:08.243
There's a lake of hormone, hormone's gone or it's just a drip.

00:20:08.243 --> 00:20:12.565
It's kind of how we're taught in school about how all that works.

00:20:12.565 --> 00:20:15.040
Right, that's pretty, pretty standard.

00:20:15.040 --> 00:20:16.059
We think that's where it happens.

00:20:16.059 --> 00:20:47.607
Well, estrogen is really produced in dozens of parts of your body, primarily from your adipose tissue, from your fat and certain kinds of fat, which is one of the reasons why we gain weight around our bellies during that time, because belly fat in general we were talking about this yesterday, that the kind of fat that builds up around our hips, thighs and belly is part of our fertility cycle and it's the easiest to access fat for energy when we're having babies right.

00:20:47.607 --> 00:20:52.221
So there's that energy on board to create ketones for long-term energy for us.

00:20:52.221 --> 00:20:56.798
And when your body's building that up, the other thing it produces is estrogen.

00:20:56.798 --> 00:21:02.489
All that, the jiggly fat that we hate so much, it's around our bellies.

00:21:02.489 --> 00:21:03.678
It's producing estrogen.

00:21:03.678 --> 00:21:06.846
That's one of the reasons why that comes up during menopause.

00:21:06.846 --> 00:21:12.499
That's one of the reasons why that comes up during menopause.

00:21:12.499 --> 00:21:13.340
One of them and that in our estro bolon.

00:21:13.340 --> 00:21:27.747
The estro bolon goes out and grabs the, the fat, the fat, the estrogen that's being produced by our adipose tissue, all and different parts of our body, producing estrogen everywhere, and organizes it and gets the estrogen out to where it's needed in different parts of our body.

00:21:27.747 --> 00:21:33.428
Things like homeostasis with our, our temperature, why we get the hot flashes, things like that.

00:21:33.428 --> 00:21:35.602
Maybe you need some help there.

00:21:35.602 --> 00:21:40.406
So let's grab some estrogen and progesterone and it organizes all of that.

00:21:40.406 --> 00:21:50.082
So if your gut's not healthy, your estrobolome's not going to be happy and you're going to have disorganized estrogen and have a whole bunch of symptoms.

00:21:50.542 --> 00:21:53.855
Remember, I told you I had an oobrectomy and hysterectomy at 40.

00:21:53.855 --> 00:21:56.099
I had.

00:21:56.099 --> 00:21:58.545
I woke up in menopause out of that surgery.

00:21:58.545 --> 00:22:00.348
It was just like hot flashes galore.

00:22:00.348 --> 00:22:04.286
I mean, it's a horrible thing when that happens to a woman.

00:22:04.286 --> 00:22:10.038
It if it happened the same thing that happened to me today, I wouldn't have had to gone through that.

00:22:10.038 --> 00:22:11.142
It's just so long ago.

00:22:11.142 --> 00:22:14.674
I'm 62 now, so that was 22 years ago, 62.

00:22:14.674 --> 00:22:25.961
My only saving grace is I know I don't look 62, absolutely do not absolutely do not, well, I used to look 72, so anyway.

00:22:26.602 --> 00:22:27.403
so I don't.

00:22:27.403 --> 00:22:37.028
I don't take hormone replacement therapy and I haven't had a hot flash or a night sweat or any of those things in about five years since I started.

00:22:37.028 --> 00:22:39.182
I'm a gut microbiome specialist.

00:22:39.182 --> 00:22:44.184
I have certification in that as well, and that's one of the things that we learned during all of that.

00:22:44.184 --> 00:22:55.227
And lo and behold, when you do take care of your gut, you can it can help control all of that homeostasis that we require in keeping from having the night sweats and the.

00:22:55.227 --> 00:23:03.317
It's mostly temperature things, metabolic things which also affect how we process and how we burn fat and what we burn.

00:23:03.317 --> 00:23:08.868
When one hormone is off, it's whackable, you know, one's down, one's up, one's up, one's down.

00:23:08.868 --> 00:23:18.266
So when that happens, we put on weight very, very easily because your body's distressed, so it stops removing fat from your body because you're in stress.

00:23:18.266 --> 00:23:20.021
Uh-oh, we better hold on to the energy.

00:23:20.021 --> 00:23:24.923
There's something going on and that's why you put on weight out of thin air.

00:23:24.923 --> 00:23:25.704
You say you woke up.

00:23:25.704 --> 00:23:26.557
It's like whose body?

00:23:26.676 --> 00:23:27.519
is this Literally?

00:23:27.519 --> 00:23:29.241
That was absolutely true for me.

00:23:29.241 --> 00:23:34.259
I turned 64, this was about three years ago and I've always been underweight.

00:23:34.259 --> 00:23:37.468
And so at 64, I wasn't underweight, but I was still thin.

00:23:37.468 --> 00:23:44.038
And one morning it feels like I woke up one morning and all of a sudden it was like whoa, whoa things everywhere that I didn't have before.

00:23:44.078 --> 00:23:46.503
But you know, one of the things that I didn't- have before.

00:23:46.804 --> 00:23:56.409
But you know, one of the things that people always want to know when they come across these programs is not if it will work, but how long will it work.

00:23:56.409 --> 00:23:57.998
Tell us a little bit about that.

00:23:57.998 --> 00:24:01.363
When they get the results, what can they expect, like six months later?

00:24:02.890 --> 00:24:09.395
Well, I have clients that I check back with up to three years later and they're the same weight Every year.

00:24:09.395 --> 00:24:22.965
At the end of the year I call up my you know I think 87 some odd existing clients that finished the program and they're like no, I'm good, you're good, you need to be afraid.

00:24:22.965 --> 00:24:35.603
They're like fine, but there was a change that I made recently about that that people needed more long-term care and something that lasted longer than the 16 weeks that we provide them.

00:24:35.603 --> 00:24:37.316
But this is not a diet.

00:24:37.316 --> 00:24:44.553
This is not get to the end of the 16 weeks and then go back to what you were doing before, because you're just going to put the weight back on that whole.

00:24:44.673 --> 00:24:52.160
I won't put that in my body philosophy how you look at food, how you think about sleep and how it affects your weight.

00:24:52.160 --> 00:24:54.832
If you're not getting sleep, you're not losing weight.

00:24:54.832 --> 00:25:08.739
All of that when we educate you about the big holistic picture, there's 360 degree set of holistic solutions that come together to make this permanent, to make this something that is an effortless, permanent weight loss.

00:25:08.739 --> 00:25:10.763
I've kept my weight loss.

00:25:10.763 --> 00:25:20.894
My weight has been the same within five pounds up and down for five years and sometimes I think I maybe should jump on the scale.

00:25:20.994 --> 00:25:22.877
It's like oh, I'm down two pounds.

00:25:23.519 --> 00:25:27.375
I have jeans on right now that I've been wearing for five years and they're torn.

00:25:27.375 --> 00:25:27.817
I wear them.

00:25:27.817 --> 00:25:31.760
It's like I don't have fat jeans and skinny jeans and all that anymore.

00:25:31.760 --> 00:25:38.880
I'm not worried about things going up and down because remember we had that shift that I won't put that and people don't cheat on that.

00:25:38.880 --> 00:25:40.856
We don't have cheat days on my program.

00:25:40.856 --> 00:25:45.813
There's no such thing as cheating on your health If you're in a stopping smoking program.

00:25:45.813 --> 00:25:49.077
There's not a day when everybody smokes.

00:25:49.117 --> 00:25:51.461
Which makes a lot of sense.

00:25:51.461 --> 00:26:03.432
Now, one of the things I just want to make sure I share with my audience is that Sheila is one of the contributors on the Vibe Wellness Woman Network, and if you don't know about that, all you have to do is click on the link there on the show page.

00:26:03.432 --> 00:26:16.213
The Vibe Wellness Network is a community of women over 40 who want to vibe, to be more vibrant, more intuitive, more beautiful and empowered, and Sheila is one of the 12 contributors that I started out with.

00:26:16.213 --> 00:26:22.760
That share their expertise with the community, and Sheila's going to be doing workshops there on the community.

00:26:22.760 --> 00:26:32.612
But, more specifically, for those people who really want to get more into your programs and find out more what's happening in the world of Sheila County, what's the best way for them to reach out to you?

00:26:33.733 --> 00:26:42.299
The best way for them to reach out to me is either go to the vibe wellness womancom membership, do it.

00:26:42.299 --> 00:26:44.365
It's fantastic, it's a wonderful place.

00:26:44.365 --> 00:26:51.643
You can take the free classes and do things, and there's also, even within that, a way to take the next step and do a six-week program to see.

00:26:51.643 --> 00:26:53.958
Is this something that works for me?

00:26:53.958 --> 00:26:59.855
And we have a super discount through the Vibe Wellness Woman Network for people who join in our members.

00:26:59.855 --> 00:27:07.442
I get them 40% off that six-week program and people can lose up to 15 pounds on that six-week program.

00:27:08.069 --> 00:27:22.118
Sheila Kelty is the person you definitely want to talk to when it comes to getting rid of diets and getting rid of that setup behavior that gives us non-results, and really being able to thrive in your health, because it's more than just about losing the weight.

00:27:22.118 --> 00:27:23.102
It's about being healthy.

00:27:23.750 --> 00:27:35.611
Yeah, and also I wanted to mention on the network as well that if you come after one of these events have happened, there is a replay link, so if you weren't able to join to hear cause.

00:27:35.611 --> 00:27:40.332
The first one's called how to lose 30 pounds by the holidays it's like in a three, four month period of time.

00:27:40.332 --> 00:27:40.613
How to?

00:27:40.633 --> 00:27:41.714
be amazing.

00:27:41.714 --> 00:27:46.652
That's amazing I myself am going to that workshop for sure.

00:27:46.672 --> 00:27:49.097

00:27:49.097 --> 00:27:50.842
You can't over lose weight.

00:27:50.842 --> 00:27:53.517
That's another one that women who are older always ask us.

00:27:53.517 --> 00:27:55.122
Oh, I don't want to lose too much weight.

00:27:55.122 --> 00:27:57.876
I want to hold on to a little bit of weight at my age.

00:27:57.876 --> 00:28:07.298
I want to have a little bit of reserve, you know, in there, for if I get sick and I, you know people are concerned about frailing and getting too thin and losing muscle mass.

00:28:07.298 --> 00:28:09.637
That does not happen.

00:28:09.637 --> 00:28:10.875
I want everybody to hear this.

00:28:10.875 --> 00:28:19.135
When you use food as medicine, when you use the health of your body to naturally drop weight, your body pulls in.

00:28:19.135 --> 00:28:21.997
Where it needs to pull in, it does so naturally.

00:28:21.997 --> 00:28:27.701
You don't set a number, get to that number and you push and push and push your body and starve yourself to get there.

00:28:27.701 --> 00:28:29.036
That's diet mentality.

00:28:29.036 --> 00:28:30.875
We're undieting you.

00:28:30.875 --> 00:28:33.659
We're getting you back to when you are healthy.

00:28:33.659 --> 00:28:36.719
Your body doesn't want to be overweight either.

00:28:36.719 --> 00:28:37.875
It wants to get rid of it.

00:28:37.875 --> 00:28:41.916
The trick is to give it what it wants and then it's like well, what does it want?

00:28:41.916 --> 00:28:42.509
And that's what.

00:28:42.530 --> 00:28:43.131
I've sent you in the program.

00:28:43.131 --> 00:28:44.472
Yeah, absolutely, that's what I'll teach you in the program.

00:28:44.472 --> 00:28:45.074

00:28:45.074 --> 00:28:48.838
I'm so excited to have you as a contributor of the Vibe Wellness Woman Network.

00:28:48.838 --> 00:29:03.742
It's been wonderful working with you and you really want to reach out to Sheila because she is truly an expert and when we say master health coach, we're not just saying that she has that designation as a truly master in what it is that she does.

00:29:03.742 --> 00:29:06.497
Sheila, it has been wonderful having you here.

00:29:06.497 --> 00:29:08.633
Finally on the podcast.

00:29:08.633 --> 00:29:09.675
Yes, thank you so much.

00:29:10.017 --> 00:29:12.201
So long We've known each other for such a long time.

00:29:12.201 --> 00:29:14.493
Thank you so much for having me.

00:29:14.493 --> 00:29:17.320
I hope this gave a little hope to someone.

00:29:17.320 --> 00:29:19.875
There's a lot of hopelessness around weight loss out there.

00:29:19.875 --> 00:29:22.912
There's a lot of not knowing where to turn and you just want to give up.

00:29:22.912 --> 00:29:27.221
Don't give up at whatever age you are whatever size you are.

00:29:27.221 --> 00:29:35.172
If you are listening to Linus, you're in the right place, you're getting the right information and please reach out.

00:29:35.172 --> 00:29:36.335
There is hope.

00:29:36.335 --> 00:29:40.386
I didn't think I had any and as you say.

00:29:40.426 --> 00:29:42.451
Look at me now as they say Whatever now.

00:29:43.453 --> 00:29:48.502
Thanks so much, sheila, and thanks to all of you who have chosen to listen to the Vibe Living Podcast.

00:29:48.502 --> 00:29:53.181
Thanks to you, we are now in the top 10% globally of podcasts.

00:29:53.181 --> 00:30:02.123
There's like 3,300,000 podcasts out there, so we're somewhere in the top 300,000, which is better than being at the bottom half.

00:30:02.123 --> 00:30:15.038
So I'm very proud of that and I really do want you to take a look at not just this podcast, but we've got some great podcasts on here that we've been doing this year Really some great topics, as they say, from A to Z.

00:30:15.038 --> 00:30:15.800
So check it out.

00:30:15.800 --> 00:30:18.960
If you really like what you've been listening to, please like.

00:30:18.960 --> 00:30:20.336
I would love to hear your comments.

00:30:20.336 --> 00:30:23.500
Subscribe to the podcast so you don't miss any of these episodes.

00:30:23.500 --> 00:30:25.056
Thanks so much for listening.

00:30:25.056 --> 00:30:51.747
It's been wonderful to be here today.

00:30:51.747 --> 00:30:57.296
Have a fantastic rest of the week and don't forget to subscribe, like and comment and share this podcast.

00:30:57.296 --> 00:31:00.327
Have a fantastic day and don't forget the vibe.

00:31:00.327 --> 00:31:01.271
Bye, bye, everybody.