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Aug. 11, 2024

Emotional Mastery: The Key to Vibrant Health and Well-being

Emotional Mastery: The Key to Vibrant Health and Well-being

Imagine a journey in which illness is transformed into a catalyst of self-discovery. Jan Jaber,  Holistic Lifestyle Stylist, and Transformation Coach for women in Midlife, is a resilient woman who discovered the profound impact emotions can have on our physical health.

Jan's story began with a diagnosis. It shook the foundations of her life. Instead of floundering in despair, Jan decided to explore the hidden languages of her emotions.   She realized that her low vibrations were a manifestation of the past.
As a result, Jan was able to reverse her pre-diabetic conditions through emotional mastery. This led to a profound recovery of her physical health. She was guided by appreciation and vibrational energy, which helped her tune into higher frequency. She found that "rampages" of appreciation, in which she celebrated life's simple joys, were an important part of her healing process.

In this episode, Jan explores her triggers as a path toward emotional healing. Her story of overcoming unworthiness is a powerful one. She freed herself from the shackles she had been bound by in the past when she began to forgive.

This episode invites you to embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery. You can create a vibrant and balanced life by understanding the link between emotions, health, and feelings. Join us as we explore the incredible healing potential of emotional control.

Jan is a self-proclaimed self-healer who took the ultimate obstacle, a cancer diagnosis and used it to change her life and thrive.  At the same time, she navigated the ups and downs of midlife.  Taking a holistic path, Jan slayed all the physical healing principles and modalities. Yet, once she took a deep dive into understanding and healing my emotions her journey catapulted her to a new level of self-discovery, healing, and clarity.  Jan's mission is to inspire women to "rediscover" their true selves and live a happy, inspired, and meaningful life.

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Lynnis Woods-Mullins

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00:00 - Healing Through Emotional Mastery

14:06 - Healing From Core Wounds


00:00:00.239 --> 00:00:07.934
So tell me a little bit about the anatomy of emotion, what that is and how do you feel it influenced your healing.

00:00:09.221 --> 00:00:26.272
Well, I basically learned that emotions don't just happen, you don't just get afraid, you don't just get angry, that there's, you know, factors and energy underneath that.

00:00:26.272 --> 00:00:38.773
And so you're basically, you know an emotion is a thought, and you attach an interpretation to that, based on a record of your past or something you've stored in your subconscious.

00:00:50.079 --> 00:00:57.081
Hi, I'm Linus Woods Mullins, and I love to help women to vibe, to be more vibrant, intuitive, beautiful and empowered in their life.

00:00:57.081 --> 00:00:58.781
So come on, let's vibe.

00:00:58.781 --> 00:01:15.290
I find it so fascinating that we live in a world right now where there are alternatives.

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There are choices that you can make in terms of how you want to heal.

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Probably the most important thing, though, is to make up your mind that you do want to heal.

00:01:25.596 --> 00:01:29.361
I have with me today a guest we're talking about that.

00:01:29.361 --> 00:01:39.533
Her name is Jan Jaber, and she's a self-proclaimed self-healer who took the ultimate obstacle a cancer diagnosis and used it to completely change her life and to thrive.

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While navigating the ups and downs of midlife, she took a holistic path and slayed all the physical healing principles and modalities, and she took that deep dive with the understanding and healing of her emotions during her journey.

00:01:52.472 --> 00:02:07.426
There's just so many people that I have worked with and other wellness experts that I've interviewed and talked with who are now really talking about the emotions and, of course, the mind-body-spirit connection, so I'm so excited to welcome you, thank you, thanks for having me.

00:02:07.426 --> 00:02:10.792
So tell us, jay, about your journey.

00:02:10.792 --> 00:02:14.865
How did it start and what happened along the way?

00:02:15.526 --> 00:02:26.509
Well, symptomatically, I just thought I was another you know woman in her 50s just starting my menopausal journey.

00:02:26.509 --> 00:02:32.812
My symptoms happen to be the same as what everyone was talking about.

00:02:32.812 --> 00:02:58.985
As far as you know, this is the menopause journey starting to happen and I'm not a fan of a lot of Western protocol and because I had always gotten called back for mammograms, I sort of swore those off for what I thought was a few years and I had some kind of intuitive hit that said you know, you should probably get a mammogram.

00:02:58.985 --> 00:03:02.633
And it had been, I think, eight years.

00:03:02.633 --> 00:03:08.292
And fortunately well, unfortunately, that's how they found three tumors.

00:03:08.292 --> 00:03:21.000
Fortunately I was still in early stages and you know that, I will say, is a really important factor in these kind of modalities.

00:03:21.000 --> 00:03:23.789
I just wish they weren't so.

00:03:28.159 --> 00:03:29.981
The radiation piece was always bothersome to me, right.

00:03:30.043 --> 00:03:30.843
So fast forward.

00:03:31.243 --> 00:03:55.568
I decide I want to heal myself and, aside from removing the tumors and doing that sort of standard of care protocol, I just went on a journey and one of my mentors always says you cannot heal from the soil in which you got sick.

00:03:55.688 --> 00:04:13.574
So I knew I wanted to look at root cause issues and I started ticking those off, one by one, and one of the 10 of her root cause issues is emotions and you know, it's just funny how we can sweep that aside, because that's the hard work.

00:04:13.574 --> 00:04:22.964
That's the work that really requires you to get real and and to figure stuff out.

00:04:22.964 --> 00:05:01.324
So you know, I'm six years in and in this last year is when I really took the deep dive and really started to understand what in fact we as humans do to ourselves unconsciously or in our subconscious which is, you know, depending on who you talk to, 80 to 90% of your mind is subconscious and just what the nervous system goes through just to be human in this modern world that we don't even realize.

00:05:01.324 --> 00:05:20.161
So I took the deep dive and had some really amazing revelations and had some really amazing physical data that shifted incredibly in the first six months of me doing this emotional work.

00:05:20.803 --> 00:05:21.805
Let's talk about that.

00:05:21.805 --> 00:05:25.853
I know you talk about the anatomy of emotions.

00:05:25.853 --> 00:05:31.992
What is that and how did that influence your condition?

00:05:32.920 --> 00:05:38.973
Well, this was part of what I started to understand is emotions are basically energy.

00:05:38.973 --> 00:05:44.867
You can break it down that they're energy in motion and they just don't happen.

00:05:44.867 --> 00:05:47.644
Break it down that their energy in motion and and they just don't happen.

00:05:47.644 --> 00:05:51.932
You know, people think we get, we just get mad or we just get scared or we just get whatever.

00:05:51.932 --> 00:06:22.723
But you, there's a whole process involved and it's basically, you know, having a thought or an observation and then attaching that to an interpretation based on a record of your past or something that you're so tell me a little bit about the anatomy of emotion, what that is and how do you feel it influenced, your healing influenced your healing.

00:06:22.744 --> 00:06:40.940
Well, I basically learned that the that emotions don't just happen, you don't just get afraid, you don't just get angry.

00:06:40.940 --> 00:06:42.841
That there's, you know, factors and energy underneath that.

00:06:42.841 --> 00:07:04.514
And so you're basically you know an emotion is a thought and you attach an interpretation to that based on a record of your past or something you've stored in your subconscious, that you know there is an emotional scale.

00:07:04.514 --> 00:07:15.569
The negative ones are low vibration and the, you know, elation and bliss and joy, and those are all high vibe emotions.

00:07:15.569 --> 00:07:42.353
And I really focused on where in my past, like prior to diagnosis, where I could pinpoint that I was in some pretty low vibe emotions and they were basically relationships in my life that ended and they were painful, they were very painful and I felt a lot of low vibe emotions for a very long time.

00:07:42.353 --> 00:07:53.629
Emotions for a very long time Envy, jealousy, you know, scarcity, just like.

00:07:53.629 --> 00:07:54.190
Why is this happening to me?

00:07:54.190 --> 00:07:54.951
What did I do, you know?

00:07:54.973 --> 00:08:50.557
And ultimately, when I kind of pinpointed that and then really understood it and understood that our thoughts can become things, I forgave myself and in doing that deep work I had happened to have I go and have labs drawn twice a year just to make sure I'm on track and I had my labs drawn in February and then started working with my mentor a month or two later and then six months later had my labs done and in February I was pre-diabetic and I did all the things my diet, my you know, I do all the things very well on the physical level.

00:08:50.557 --> 00:09:28.914
But you know, if you look at Kelly Turner's work she was the PhD researcher who wrote the book Radical Remission and she was fascinated with these stories of people that she learned were sent home, basically to get their affairs in order and had sudden radical recoveries and went on to live long lives and she interviewed over 1,200 people and pinpointed 10 common factors with all these people on how they had these radical remissions.

00:09:28.914 --> 00:09:30.534
Well, there was 10 factors.

00:09:30.534 --> 00:09:31.796
Okay, hold on.

00:09:32.056 --> 00:09:33.056
Let me just say this real quick.

00:09:33.056 --> 00:09:34.956
I have to interrupt you, everybody who's listening.

00:09:34.956 --> 00:09:43.743
If you're not driving, if you're sitting somewhere where you can get a pencil and a piece of paper, there are jewels getting ready to be dropped.

00:09:43.743 --> 00:09:47.514
If I had my sound effects pulled in right now, it would say boom, okay, go ahead.

00:09:49.320 --> 00:09:53.912
Seven out of 10 of these factors are emotional.

00:09:53.912 --> 00:09:59.284
As easy as you know.

00:09:59.284 --> 00:10:03.133
Believing that there is a power greater than yourself that is guiding you.

00:10:03.133 --> 00:10:04.544
You know that's emotional.

00:10:04.544 --> 00:10:08.039
That there is a power greater than yourself that is guiding you, you know that's emotional.

00:10:08.039 --> 00:10:30.220
Just understanding that the contribution that these emotions make, or the negative emotions make, with regard to your health, there's the, you know, movement and supplements and diet, supplements and diet.

00:10:30.220 --> 00:10:31.921
Those are all, those are the only three physical.

00:10:31.921 --> 00:10:34.903
The other seven are are are definitely the, the, the stuff you have to deep dive into.

00:10:34.903 --> 00:10:56.081
And so, going back to my labs, I was 5.8, which, in standard of care, your A1C, your blood sugar that's on the window of pre-diabetic, which, again, depending on who you talk to, is not really there's no such thing.

00:10:56.081 --> 00:11:08.326
It's like being pre-pregnant, you know you're either diabetic or you're not, you're not.

00:11:08.466 --> 00:11:17.866
And then, having all these realizations and learning all this, this information about emotions and how to heal them, and six months later I have my labs drawn and my I sit down and my naturopath says so what did you change?

00:11:17.866 --> 00:11:21.429
And I said, well, nothing.

00:11:21.429 --> 00:11:43.998
I started working with women and on some emotional work and my A1C had gone down four points to 5.4, which was just very serendipitous that I could actually, because I am I am pretty data driven and I just think it was the universe, you know, giving me what I needed, like, yes, you're doing the work, you're doing the right work.

00:11:43.998 --> 00:11:44.799
And here's the proof.

00:11:45.804 --> 00:11:58.168
Well, when you get the feedback of something that you've been doing that is working, that just causes it to work even better, because now you have a belief system, you have some demonstrated results, so that makes sense.

00:11:58.168 --> 00:12:03.466
But I have to ask you, what were the seven things that you worked on?

00:12:03.466 --> 00:12:04.671
Or did you work on all seven?

00:12:04.671 --> 00:12:05.806
What were the things you worked on?

00:12:06.628 --> 00:12:12.958
Basically, I really got my meditation practice back online.

00:12:12.958 --> 00:12:14.865
It's a non-negotiable for me.

00:12:14.865 --> 00:12:37.538
I think for everyone who is on a path to wholeness, to be able to sit and at least aspire, to be the observer in your own thing is a really important, important thing.

00:12:37.538 --> 00:13:08.422
The other thing one of the other of the emotional ones is having some type of a practice, and I've been practicing yoga on and off for 20 years and part of that is just realizing now, like I'm going to be 62 years old in a few months and you just get to a point where things shift and change and you have to adapt with it, and so I don't really care if I ever do a handstand again.

00:13:08.422 --> 00:13:26.058
A lot of my practice is very, very restorative and that is just being able to relax and to let go and just be with what is, and those are absolute non-negotiables for me.

00:13:26.058 --> 00:13:31.014
I'm drawing a blank now that you're putting me on the spot with the other.

00:13:31.434 --> 00:13:39.758
Well, let's see, let's look at it this way you mentioned that there are some key emotional factors that are involved in healing chronic illness.

00:13:39.758 --> 00:13:43.436
So what would those key factors be when it comes to your particular illness?

00:13:43.436 --> 00:13:45.068
What were the key factors you thought?

00:13:45.068 --> 00:13:48.538
I know you mentioned meditation and yoga.

00:13:49.301 --> 00:13:50.285
What were some of the ones?

00:13:50.285 --> 00:14:06.287
And well, another one is I have a very strong rampage practice where I have a few friends I have three, actually partners right now that we all know if the phone rings in there they come up on caller id.

00:14:06.287 --> 00:14:11.240
You don't answer because you are basically using their voicemail as a timer.

00:14:11.240 --> 00:14:14.346
To just appreciate everything.

00:14:14.346 --> 00:14:17.152
I love that and this is a.

00:14:17.152 --> 00:14:20.599
This is like coincides with this vibrational thing.

00:14:20.599 --> 00:14:35.908
It's like the more you can raise that vibe, like you wake up in the morning and if you use the analogy of a radio and you're at 96.5 and you get those rampages out, you're up to 102.7.

00:14:35.928 --> 00:14:36.910
What is a rampage?

00:14:36.910 --> 00:14:37.773
Give me an example.

00:14:37.773 --> 00:14:38.354
What does that mean?

00:14:38.374 --> 00:14:38.514

00:14:38.514 --> 00:14:44.433
So what we do is we basically appreciate and look forward to things.

00:14:44.433 --> 00:14:49.029
So we're basically shooting rockets of desire out into the universe.

00:14:49.029 --> 00:15:11.475
And you know, if you wake up and you're maybe not feeling it, I mean you can just appreciate that you woke up in a warm bed with a roof over your head and that you have a toilet that flushes and there's food in your fridge, and you know, you can just see how this it's just a practice, that it really, it really works, it really raises your vibration.

00:15:11.475 --> 00:15:25.320
And then, for me, I like to shoot some possibilities out into the future and I say what I look forward to, and it's similar to a gratitude practice.

00:15:25.784 --> 00:15:27.852
Gratitude affirmation almost Right.

00:15:28.945 --> 00:15:55.154
The thing I like more about appreciation is kind of goes in line with this work on emotions is, you know you're constantly triggers that make us react in a way that is basically rubbing on something we just haven't healed or come to grips with.

00:15:55.154 --> 00:16:19.215
So when we, when I look forward to things, I make sure that you know I'm always working on what I call the energy underneath the thing, because you can, you can manifest and say I want to have a million dollars, but if you're triggered by constantly all day thinking you're disappointing people, that's the energy underneath, that's the stuff you have to take a look at.

00:16:19.797 --> 00:16:21.503
Yes, I think I understand what you're saying.

00:16:21.503 --> 00:16:36.914
I just was talking to a friend of mine today about we all have triggers and even though we have triggers, many of us may not be aware that the triggers are being triggered, so to speak, until after it happens you think, oh yeah, maybe so.

00:16:36.914 --> 00:16:39.261
But also how to get rid of the triggers.

00:16:39.261 --> 00:16:48.217
And one of my triggers is being felt like, or allowing myself to be, to feel based upon what someone says to me, that I'm not good enough.

00:16:48.217 --> 00:17:01.923
And I had a situation on Clubhouse, which is an audio platform, and I have been moderating a room for about a year or so, and I told the head moderator that I knew I was going to be late that day.

00:17:01.923 --> 00:17:09.156
Now, I had never been late before ever, you know and I told her a day ahead of time that I was going to be about 30 minutes late, and so I got there.

00:17:09.156 --> 00:17:14.497
And when I got there, you know, normally you know they just bring me onto the stage to moderate, and she didn't do that.

00:17:14.497 --> 00:17:16.018
So I sent her a note in the back office.

00:17:16.018 --> 00:17:17.338
I said oh yeah, I'm here.

00:17:17.338 --> 00:17:18.579
Are you going to be mentioned as well?

00:17:18.579 --> 00:17:23.064
No, because you're so late and I just don't want to ruin the flow of the room.

00:17:23.064 --> 00:17:24.586
It wouldn't be fair to the other moderators.

00:17:24.586 --> 00:17:33.954
And I'm thinking like what I told her ahead of time and she didn't mention this, and it was a trigger for me because it took me back to times like with my ballet teacher.

00:17:33.954 --> 00:17:36.721
I took, I studied ballet really until I was.

00:17:36.721 --> 00:17:47.402
I stopped performing at 62, but I took ballet from the time I was four until like about 30, all through college, grad school, after college, and then I performed until I was 32, 62.

00:17:47.402 --> 00:17:54.380
So anyway, I'm very disciplined, very regimented, and with ballet there are no excuses.

00:17:54.380 --> 00:17:58.932
If something is wrong or isn't right, if you're out of line or whatever, then that's just the way it is.

00:17:58.932 --> 00:18:13.422
So when she told me, well, you were late and so therefore, in my mind, you were late and so therefore you're not good enough to come up to the stage or whatever, maybe she forgot to tell me the rule, maybe rule, or maybe she didn't think that much of it because it's not her trigger, okay.

00:18:13.422 --> 00:18:17.403
So that just really upset me.

00:18:17.884 --> 00:18:23.594
For months I ended up, you know, deciding not to moderate in that room anymore.

00:18:23.594 --> 00:18:27.978
I didn't go on Clubhouse for a long time when I would go on here, but I was like where have you been?

00:18:27.978 --> 00:18:33.817
Because I have about 7,000 followers on Clubhouse, so whenever I was gone, people would know it.

00:18:33.817 --> 00:18:38.056
And I, and finally my friend said Linus, there's something there that you need to heal.

00:18:38.056 --> 00:18:44.013
And I said I think you're right, because I still feel so hurt and emotional over something like this.

00:18:44.455 --> 00:18:47.430
And she said well, the first thing is you need to just go ahead and forgive her.

00:18:47.430 --> 00:18:48.192
She's a human being.

00:18:48.192 --> 00:18:49.375
She probably had no idea.

00:18:49.375 --> 00:18:51.401
I said well, I think I have forgiven her.

00:18:51.401 --> 00:18:53.913
She said well, then you need to forgive yourself for your reaction.

00:18:53.913 --> 00:18:56.116
You're not a bad person that you reacted that way.

00:18:56.116 --> 00:19:02.290
And so she just worked with me and peeled back the layers, because she is happens to be a psychologist and also one of my closest friends.

00:19:02.290 --> 00:19:08.313
I try not to have her psychoanalyze me, but every once in a while she's like you need help, linus.

00:19:08.313 --> 00:19:15.571
So by the time she's finished, I felt enough of a release to be able to talk with you about this right now.

00:19:15.571 --> 00:19:19.803
Now I don't know if this person will listen and hear this podcast and say oh, was that me?

00:19:19.803 --> 00:19:27.179
More than likely, if she listens, she won't even know it's her, because I think it's so out of her realm of reality.

00:19:27.500 --> 00:19:29.304
You know, and she told her.

00:19:29.304 --> 00:19:29.871
She told me.

00:19:29.871 --> 00:19:34.699
She said you know, when you're comfortable you should call and let her know how it made you feel.

00:19:34.699 --> 00:19:38.204
And more than likely she'll be like oh my God, I had no idea.

00:19:38.204 --> 00:19:41.597
She thought I was just leaving because my schedule was full, which it was.

00:19:41.597 --> 00:19:47.240
There was more than just that, but it just made it easier for me to leave because I was upset.

00:19:47.240 --> 00:20:08.780
But it was the trigger, that thing that's so far below, and I always used to say to my kids and to my clients when you find yourself responding really emotionally to something that seems so small, it's not the small thing that necessarily happened, it's the accumulation of occurrences that fall within that category that cause you to react a certain way.

00:20:08.780 --> 00:20:09.871
And that's how you know.

00:20:09.871 --> 00:20:14.019
Okay, here's some opportunity to do some work, absolutely.

00:20:14.119 --> 00:20:19.259
Right, so that's kind of how the process you went through was looking for the opportunities to do some work.

00:20:19.720 --> 00:20:40.656
Right, yeah, and it's a process that I'm starting to take clients through now and we call it the core wound map, and so we basically go through and really try and think of memories, both good and bad, because a lot of this programming happens, you know, from birth to seven to 10 years old.

00:20:40.656 --> 00:20:47.974
You're just taking in information, taking in information and really believing it to be true.

00:20:47.974 --> 00:21:06.020
So that's where you have all these beliefs that you basically walk through the world with, and then what we do is we set these up in such a way that you can figure out what your three big core wounds or triggers are.

00:21:06.020 --> 00:21:23.313
Mine happened to be if I made it feel guilty and I can sort of attest to having been raised Catholic as to that that core wound, and then a big one for me, is disappointed.

00:21:23.313 --> 00:21:35.104
So in your situation that would have triggered my wound of oh God, I just disappointed somebody, right, exactly I would have hated when I wasn't in the right form at ballet.

00:21:35.269 --> 00:21:40.323
Also, it was painful because she would take her stick and wrap the area of the body.

00:21:40.323 --> 00:21:42.198
I mean it was physically abusive.

00:21:42.198 --> 00:21:44.698
Back then it was like no big deal.

00:21:44.698 --> 00:21:55.099
Well, it was a big deal because after I got older, my parents said, like you can't hit my kid anymore, but just the look that normally would come with the wrap of the toes, you know the look.

00:21:55.099 --> 00:22:00.938
That look would just be like oh yeah, and then you would go back and I was just a kid.

00:22:00.938 --> 00:22:06.719
I mean I was really young when I when I got on toe and I started performing when I was about 12.

00:22:06.719 --> 00:22:18.864
I joined the civic ballet and that was a big deal because I was so young and I was really good, but I wasn't emotionally ready for what went with that.

00:22:19.405 --> 00:22:31.211
And that's why I understand some of these athletes that are high performers, that are young, like the young woman who was a tennis player and she dropped out of her at the top of her career because she needed that mental health time.

00:22:31.211 --> 00:22:52.682
Or Simone Biles, I believe, who talked about her emotional trauma and some things that happened with her and taking some time out to get well and that's so important and I really do feel the things that you're talking about are very important, because we all have these traumas and even if we do recognize them, we're not sure what to do with them.

00:22:52.682 --> 00:22:57.720
So that's why, when you're talking about those core things, I know it's so important.

00:22:57.720 --> 00:23:00.239
So tell us about your program and your practice.

00:23:00.239 --> 00:23:03.941
How do you help other people with their healing?

00:23:05.289 --> 00:23:15.201
Well, basically it is a module format that we go through that takes you through the anatomy of emotion.

00:23:15.201 --> 00:23:27.124
It takes you through a little bit of Marshall Rosenberg's work on nonviolent communication, which is basically expressing or naming what you're feeling.

00:23:27.124 --> 00:23:32.882
And generally when we have a feeling, it's because we have a need that's not getting met.

00:23:32.882 --> 00:23:43.753
And discovering what that need is I need to be seen and heard, I need to be accepted, I need to feel love, I need you know.

00:23:43.753 --> 00:23:52.259
And then starting to figure out how we can give that to ourselves, because in the end, we're the creators of our own reality.

00:23:52.259 --> 00:24:05.704
And so we dabble in that and then go through the core wound map and start to work through those, those emotions, and figure out what our triggers are.

00:24:05.704 --> 00:24:21.047
And we kind of pinpoint two or three and then start to figure out how we can work with those to not react when they come up for us.

00:24:22.010 --> 00:24:33.202
So, as you went through your own process of identifying these for lack of a better description, emotions or triggers the end result was that you began to get better with your chronic illness.

00:24:33.202 --> 00:24:34.576
And what is your status today?

00:24:38.115 --> 00:24:39.198
I am healthy.

00:24:39.198 --> 00:24:49.632
I haven't had any imaging because, again, in the medical system, until they just don't, you know they you're, you're good until you're not good.

00:24:49.632 --> 00:25:13.021
But there are some, there are some, there's some new technology that's more ultrasound based, that is doing scans for people that I'm considering, maybe at the 10 year mark, I might, you know, take a little look and look and see and make sure, because generally in my age range, if you get through that 10 year mark, you're pretty good.

00:25:13.021 --> 00:25:32.452
So, yeah, just monitoring my labs, monitoring, monitoring inflammatory markers markers, because that's generally, you know, the smoke that knows there might be a fire wanting to brew if you can see that that you've got a lot of inflammation and and mine is so low.

00:25:32.452 --> 00:25:50.207
And I also, you know, appreciate my good fortune and my good health and how much I've healed and how important I place this work for myself.

00:25:50.586 --> 00:25:58.943
It is and important for others too, and you know, of course, my following are mostly women between the ages of 45 and 55.

00:25:58.943 --> 00:26:05.722
And that's right there in that realm where women, I know, begin to think about doing the work, whatever that means for them.

00:26:05.722 --> 00:26:11.940
And I understand you have a virtual practice as well, so we've got your links down on the show page.

00:26:11.940 --> 00:26:30.403
And, ladies, for those of you who have tried maybe some traditional ways and you know it's still not working, I definitely am a proponent of the mind-body-spirit connection and living holistically and seeing what we can do before we take pharmaceuticals or God forbid, get on the surgery table or cut off an arm leg or whatever.

00:26:30.403 --> 00:26:35.561
There's still this other side of stuff that we can do before we go all the way over to that side.

00:26:35.561 --> 00:26:37.776
And that's what.

00:26:37.776 --> 00:26:39.074
That's what you basically did.

00:26:39.074 --> 00:26:40.378
You turn things around.

00:26:40.378 --> 00:26:42.828
Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.

00:26:42.828 --> 00:26:43.893
It's been wonderful having you.

00:26:43.932 --> 00:26:44.694
Thank you.

00:26:44.694 --> 00:26:46.138
Thank you so much for having me.

00:26:46.138 --> 00:26:47.102
It was a delight.

00:26:47.490 --> 00:26:49.919
You're quite welcome and thank you to all of you who are listening.

00:26:49.919 --> 00:27:02.136
You know I love bringing topics like this and I'm sorry if I get excited about things like this, but whenever I get a chance to meet someone really wonderful like Jane that's putting this kind of information out in the world, I get excited about it and I'll let you know when I get excited.

00:27:02.136 --> 00:27:06.601
This is something that, if you didn't get all of it, go back and read it again.

00:27:06.601 --> 00:27:07.444
Go to her site.

00:27:07.444 --> 00:27:12.155
Take a look at what she's talking about, because we all have some healing to do.

00:27:12.155 --> 00:27:14.519
I don't care whether you've had a chronic illness or not.

00:27:14.519 --> 00:27:15.961
We all have healing to do.

00:27:16.403 --> 00:27:28.194
And if you've never tried a look at healing holistically, you probably aren't totally healed, because we have a tendency to have a system that works on symptoms and not causation and putting band-aids on things.

00:27:28.194 --> 00:27:33.540
You know what I say about those band-aids Eventually underneath is infected and pussy and all this other gunk.

00:27:33.540 --> 00:27:35.755
You pull it off and you're like, oh my God, what is that smell?

00:27:35.755 --> 00:27:38.741
That's you, because you never got it healed.

00:27:38.741 --> 00:27:50.715
So please get some serious consideration and taking a look at some of these holistic modalities like what Jan is talking about or I'm sorry, jane is talking about and begin to start doing your healing process.

00:27:50.715 --> 00:28:02.204
Thanks so much for listening and if you like what we have to say, please you know, like it, comment, share, let other people know and subscribe so you will not miss one single episode of the Vibe Living Podcast.

00:28:02.204 --> 00:28:05.557
It's been wonderful having you and please don't forget to vibe.

00:28:05.557 --> 00:28:06.420
Bye-bye everybody.

00:28:06.420 --> 00:28:28.440
Thanks for listening to the vibe living podcast and don't forget to subscribe, like and comment and share this podcast.

00:28:28.440 --> 00:28:29.884
Have a fantastic day and don't forget the vibe.

00:28:29.884 --> 00:28:30.827
Bye bye, everybody.