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July 27, 2024

Debunking Midlife Weight Gain Myths and Redefining Midlife Wellness

Debunking Midlife Weight Gain Myths and Redefining Midlife Wellness

Do you believe weight gain in midlife is inevitable, or will lifting weights make you bulky?

 On this podcast, Lynnis and her friend and wellness coach, Pam Sherman discuss the common myths surrounding midlife weight gain.  Lynnis and Pam dismantle these myths while putting a spotlight on the real culprits behind midlife weight gain—namely, a lack of physical activity

Sharing from her wealth of expertise, Pam shares practical tips and personal anecdotes emphasizing the importance of physical activity as a key factor behind midlife weight gain. Together, Pam and Lynnis highlight the transformative benefits of strength training for women over 50, focusing on becoming leaner and stronger rather than bulkier.

Some of the topics they cover:

  • The best time to exercise
  • Benefits of short bursts of exercise throughout the day
  • Advantages of walking
  • How to integrate movement throughout the day
  • Essential exercises to maintain fitness over 50
  • Significance of a high protein diet as we age
  • Taking a holistic approach to weight loss
  • Evaluating the pros and cons of weight loss medications.

This episode is tailored to empower health-conscious and spiritually-inclined women in their 40s or 50s and beyond by offering guidance and community support to achieve vibrant wellness and deeper self-connection.

Join Lynnis and Pam as they provide information and advice on how to stay healthy and fit while maintaining a healthy mindset as we age.


Pam has been passionate about health and wellness for 30 years helping women through exercise, nutrition, and finding balance in their lives. She helps women lose weight, reconnect with themselves, and feel great.

Pam is the founder of The Perfect Balance, certified trainer and instructor since 1997, an author, media contributor, and motivational speaker. 

Pam helps women have more energy, better moods, and confidence.  Her philosophy is the power of healthy food and fitness will help you achieve your wellness goals, no matter where you're starting from. 

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We have wonderful events, courses, challenges, guides, blogs and more all designed for the midlife woman who wants to keep her V.I.B.E. and remain Vibrant, Intuitive, Beautiful, and Empowered after 40+.


Lynnis Woods-Mullins

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00:00 - Midlife Women's Health and Fitness Myths

05:28 - Exercise and Health Myths Debunked

16:58 - Empowering Midlife Women Through Mindset

24:57 - Weight Loss Drugs and Fitness Realities

32:47 - Connecting Through the Right Living Podcast


00:00:00.140 --> 00:00:04.671
How many hours a day or minutes a day should we be moving?

00:00:04.791 --> 00:00:05.232
or working out.

00:00:05.232 --> 00:00:10.891
Well, the old myth when I first started teaching, every class I taught was an hour.

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So I think a lot of women think they have to work out for an hour, which is absolutely not the case.

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Any minute you spend on yourself and your health is worth it.

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So, if you have 10 minutes, 10 minutes is better than zero minutes, Because if you did 10 minutes seven days a week, that's 70 minutes.

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That's better than zero minutes.

00:00:27.132 --> 00:00:33.451
Now, if you have more time, certainly a good 20 or 30 minute workout wonderful, Especially if you're not doing anything.

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I wouldn't jump in and go for a 30 minute workout.

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Baby steps are really what can lead women to success hi, I'm glennis woods mullins and I love to help women to vibe, to be more vibrant, intuitive, beautiful and empowered in midlife.

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So come on, let's vibe.

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I always say it's not just what you look like, it's what your health is like, and the idea of having a year-round fitness program is really important.

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So I invited my friend, pam, and I have to tell you we have been trying to get together at least three times to do this podcast.

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We're just excited that we were able to overcome all the technical stuff and schedule glitches.

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We're here today and I'm really excited to have her here with us.

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She's a health and wellness coach and she specializes in helping women get through the throes of menopause in particular, and she also likes to talk about the importance of strength training.

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And I just love what you do, pam, it's so important.

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I know you've been doing it for over 30 years and you've been helping them women not just lose weight but reconnect with themselves and feel great in a positive way.

00:01:54.091 --> 00:01:56.424
So welcome to the Vibe Living Podcast.

00:01:56.546 --> 00:01:58.831
Great to have you and thank you for the nice introduction.

00:01:58.831 --> 00:02:02.004
Yes, it's been my passion, really my entire life helping women.

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Of course, when I was younger I was helping younger women.

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Now that I'm 57, it's helping mostly women over 50.

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I have a couple under 30-ish clients but mostly over 50, because it's such a unique time in life.

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It is and one of the things I said that I wanted to talk about before we came on.

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There's so many myths out there about weight gain and midlife women and what to do and not what not to do, and I feel like, because there's so many more of us now, there's more research being done and more and more information is coming out.

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That's dispelling some of the myths.

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But I wanted to ask you first of all, what are some of the myths out there about weight gain and women over 40, over 50, that just really isn't quite the case.

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That it's inevitable that you're going to gain weight once you hit a certain age.

00:02:53.171 --> 00:02:56.485
I heard gosh, this was maybe 20 years ago.

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So 20 years ago I was 37.

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Seems like a lifetime ago.

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I had a gal at my gym said just wait till you turn 50.

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You're going to get a keg around your middle.

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And I thought I don't really think that's the way that works, that just because you get to be a certain age, your body's going to stop working the way it should work.

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Our metabolisms actually don't start slowing down until after the age of 60, but we can do things to prevent that.

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So your age is not a death sentence on your health or how you look or how you feel if you take the measures to work with your body.

00:03:32.539 --> 00:03:43.872
So that's interesting, because we've always heard that after 50, after 55, and you did say after 60, perhaps our metabolism is going to slow down.

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So if that's not the case, then what's going on?

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Why does this seem to be happening with women over 50?

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Because they're moving less.

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Think about you in your twenties we were on the go, go, go, go, go, go go.

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We barely sat down.

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Our lives now, at this age, is much more sedentary and it takes more work where you know.

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Yes, our lives are convenient.

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We could order DoorDash every day and not actually have to cook or do any of the things.

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But daily movement is so, so important in life and one of the big myths I want to talk about is if you lift weights, you'll get big, bulky muscles.

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That's been around forever and that is a hundred percent false.

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You actually get smaller when you strength train, not bigger.

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In all of my years, in 30 years, I have never seen a woman get big and bulky from lifting weights.

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And I get Arnold Schwarzenegger's daily newsletter or five days a week newsletter and he said and he commented on this myth and he's like, if it was that easy to get big, I've spent thousands of hours in the gym to get where I am.

00:04:41.283 --> 00:04:49.095
If people think spending an hour a couple of times a week in the gym to get where I am, If people think spending an hour a couple of times a week in the gym is like, sign me up for that, because that would be great to get big muscles that quickly.

00:04:49.095 --> 00:04:50.466
It just does not work like that.

00:04:50.827 --> 00:04:52.134
Right, that's good to know.

00:04:52.134 --> 00:05:02.350
Right before we came on we were talking about that and I was talking to you about I just recently started a different kind of strength training program, you know, using my home gym that I hadn't been using.

00:05:02.350 --> 00:05:03.432
It's so easy.

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It sneaks up on you and doing what I do online, all the time I'm thinking I've gone somewhere, I'm thinking I'm moving, but actually I could easily, if I don't stop myself is sit here for two or three hours and not move.

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But I have come up with a secret sauce that's helping me and one of them is taking that break and going out to my weight room and spending 10, 15 minutes.

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I'm an increment girl, you know 15 minutes here, 15 minutes there.

00:05:28.454 --> 00:05:30.869
But what's the real skinny on this, pam?

00:05:30.869 --> 00:05:36.733
How many hours a day or minutes a day should we be moving or working out?

00:05:37.600 --> 00:05:42.192
Well, the old myth when I first started teaching, every class I taught was an hour.

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So I think a lot of women think they have to work out for an hour, which is absolutely not the case.

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Any minute you spend on yourself and your health is worth it.

00:05:50.242 --> 00:05:57.225
So, if you have 10 minutes, 10 minutes is better than zero minutes, because if you did 10 minutes seven days a week, that's 70 minutes.

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That's better than zero minutes.

00:05:58.428 --> 00:06:03.425
Now, if you have more time, certainly a good 20 or 30 minute workout wonderful.

00:06:03.425 --> 00:06:05.629
But you don't, especially if you're not doing anything.

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I wouldn't jump in and go for a 30 minute workout.

00:06:07.973 --> 00:06:15.906
Baby steps are really what going to lead women to success, where many women are all or nothing Like if I can't work out for an hour, I'm not going to do it.

00:06:15.906 --> 00:06:17.071
I know.

00:06:17.071 --> 00:06:19.480
Break up with that mindset A little bit is better.

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And if you do work from home, I would say set your alarm on your phone for every 50 to 60 minutes, get up and walk for five or 10 minutes.

00:06:28.807 --> 00:06:30.252
That's a great idea, pam.

00:06:30.252 --> 00:06:31.235
I will do that.

00:06:31.235 --> 00:06:32.841
You know what I have been doing.

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I used to do this all last year and it kept me, you know, from go from tipping the scales or breaking my chair.

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So I would get up in between my interviews or with my clients or whatever, and I would run in place for about 30 seconds and then I would do 20 pushups wall pushups, real quick, and I would do 50 squat and a 50 second plank and that really helped a lot.

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The other thing that I hear a lot of women say is that it's much better to make sure you exercise first thing in the morning rather than exercise late at night.

00:07:08.209 --> 00:07:10.204
That's much better for you.

00:07:10.204 --> 00:07:11.067
What do you say about that?

00:07:11.067 --> 00:07:11.742
You're shaking your head.

00:07:11.742 --> 00:07:13.367
For those of you who can't see, myth, myth, myth.

00:07:13.367 --> 00:07:14.189

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Whenever you have the most energy is the best time to work out.

00:07:17.430 --> 00:07:19.545
I'm a morning person.

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I love working out in the morning.

00:07:20.845 --> 00:07:23.285
Six o'clock at night I'm ready for my jammies.

00:07:23.285 --> 00:07:25.129
There is no way I'm working out at six o'clock at night.

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Whatever your body clock says is the best time is the best time.

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That being said, if you have a crazy busy day, I recommend getting it done first thing in the morning, because it's so easy to just let that go First thing in the morning.

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I have a I mean on my YouTube channel, linus, I created a 10 minute workout playlist for those ladies who say I don't have time.

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I'm like you got 10 minutes.

00:07:46.411 --> 00:07:47.773
Oh, I gotta check that one out.

00:07:47.773 --> 00:07:49.822
Okay, so now that's good information.

00:07:49.822 --> 00:07:50.846
Now here's another question.

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It's another.

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I have a list of these myths.

00:07:53.100 --> 00:07:54.163
I don't know if they're myths or not.

00:07:54.163 --> 00:07:54.865
They could be true.

00:07:54.865 --> 00:08:01.384
But what's better walking every day or doing an exercise plan every day?

00:08:03.005 --> 00:08:03.908
I would say walking.

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Why is that Okay?

00:08:07.132 --> 00:08:11.786
So I have to tell you I am a former long distance runner snob.

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I do not learn long distance anymore and I just thought why walk, why bother?

00:08:16.446 --> 00:08:17.129
I know.

00:08:18.333 --> 00:08:19.536
That was me in exercise.

00:08:19.536 --> 00:08:21.906
I didn't want to exercise because I was a dancer Right.

00:08:22.067 --> 00:08:23.353
But there comes a point in time.

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But then I went to Italy, where there are no gyms and everybody walks all the time and there is zero obesity, and they eat real food and they walk and walk, and walk.

00:08:34.253 --> 00:08:38.668
Realistically, most of us can walk more than we can work out.

00:08:38.668 --> 00:08:41.315
We all have access to working out.

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Not all of us have access to a gym.

00:08:42.738 --> 00:08:43.145
I'm sorry.

00:08:43.145 --> 00:08:44.369
We all have access to walking.

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We don't all have access to a gym.

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So for longevity, I mean, we definitely need strength training for longevity, but realistically I would say if more people can get more walking in, that would be incredible.

00:09:01.304 --> 00:09:01.645
Okay, that's good.

00:09:01.645 --> 00:09:02.106
Now here's another one.

00:09:02.106 --> 00:09:09.548
This is one that's been going on a while, but it seems like I hear it a lot, and that's about the ability to get up off the floor if you fall down.

00:09:09.548 --> 00:09:18.115
Okay, so what are the kind of exercises we need to be doing in order to make sure we can get up off the floor?

00:09:18.115 --> 00:09:37.350
Now, some of the ones that I've seen in terms of what you need to be able to do, I'm like, oh my gosh, and I'm in fairly good shape, but it would be hard on my knees what they're saying, and it's not because my knees are in bad shape, but I have hardwood floors in most places and I guess even with the yoga mat, it's just like too much.

00:09:37.350 --> 00:09:48.673
So they're doing a lot of knee stuff and some other things, but what exercise do we need to be doing, or what types of exercises, in order to get up if we fall down?

00:09:49.044 --> 00:10:02.250
Yeah, it's interesting because my on TikTok most of my videos are like a couple hundred views, the ones where I have getting up off the ground 300,000 views, which is because I'm like, okay, people need to know how to do this, it's a thing.

00:10:02.250 --> 00:10:02.952
It's a thing.

00:10:02.952 --> 00:10:10.504
So getting on your butt and then putting your hands by your sides, kind of rocking and rolling up, that's one way, especially if you have hardwood.

00:10:10.504 --> 00:10:16.378
So more like back, like this, and come up you can put your hands on the ground yes, you have hardwood floors.

00:10:16.378 --> 00:10:21.172
I would still get on your hands and knees and practice putting one foot on the floor and then the other and then standing up.

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So you're on hands and knees.

00:10:22.671 --> 00:10:28.514
Bring one foot up, your other knees on the ground, press yourself to standing.

00:10:28.995 --> 00:10:33.727
Oh, I can do that, yeah, okay, that's not too hard on the knees, that's not too hard on the knees, that's not too hard Squats.

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People need to be doing.

00:10:34.908 --> 00:10:38.331
Squats are one of the best exercises you can do for the rest of your life.

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If you don't know how to do it, sit at your kitchen chair, have your butt on the very edge of the chair, stand up, sit down and touch your butt.

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Stand up, touch your butt.

00:10:47.821 --> 00:10:49.402
Most people do not go all the way down.

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You want to go that far down.

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That builds your leg muscles, which are very important in getting up.

00:10:54.114 --> 00:11:03.567
I have a firefighter friend who says 60% of his calls are for people that fall in their homes and can't get up 60%.

00:11:03.668 --> 00:11:10.797
I believe that too, because here's the other thing I was just talking about in the other podcast I was recording let's face it, the baby boomers ain't going away.

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So we're here, we have the longevity going for us, but the issue is the quality of life that we want to live in longevity.

00:11:20.729 --> 00:11:22.452
So now here I am, 67.

00:11:22.452 --> 00:11:25.466
Okay, let's say that I wasn't in the shape that I'm in right now.

00:11:25.466 --> 00:11:26.789
Is it too late for me?

00:11:27.171 --> 00:11:28.153
Never, never.

00:11:28.153 --> 00:11:31.467
The studies that I read say you can even build muscle in your nineties.

00:11:31.467 --> 00:11:33.572
I read that same study.

00:11:33.572 --> 00:11:35.557
Consistency is the key.

00:11:35.557 --> 00:11:39.312
So thinking you can work out once a week and that's going to fix your whole life Absolutely not.

00:11:39.312 --> 00:11:48.873
I think most people need to be strength training three times a week, if not four times a week, and if you're doing nothing, start with one or two times and work up to three or four times.

00:11:48.873 --> 00:11:54.993
Body weight exercise is a great way to start, and then you can add dumbbells, get a trainer, go take a class, something like that.

00:11:54.993 --> 00:12:03.629
But now that I'm a decade younger than you 57, I think how do I want myself and my clients to feel when they're 70, 80, 90?

00:12:03.629 --> 00:12:06.998
What we do now has a direct reflection on how we feel later.

00:12:06.998 --> 00:12:12.852
So for all these people that sit all day, you're going to feel like crap in 10 years because you're not using your body.

00:12:13.153 --> 00:12:13.693
That's right.

00:12:13.693 --> 00:12:16.437
I danced until 62.

00:12:16.437 --> 00:12:24.135
And I know I'm still seeing the benefits of that right now and actually I am going to start dancing again.

00:12:24.135 --> 00:12:29.975
In fact I'm rehearsing right now to dance at church, so I am going to be moving again.

00:12:29.975 --> 00:12:32.607
But you know how you treat your body.

00:12:32.607 --> 00:12:41.514
For those of my younger listeners because I know I have some 30-somethings out there how you treat your body right now, when you're younger, makes a huge difference as you get older.

00:12:41.514 --> 00:12:49.635
I know that young people have a tendency to like to junk their body, do whatever, it doesn't matter, and it doesn't at that time, but it catches up to you later on.

00:12:49.635 --> 00:12:54.591
But I also hear you saying that it's not too late to reverse some of those bad lifestyle decisions.

00:12:55.013 --> 00:12:56.154
It's definitely not too late.

00:12:56.154 --> 00:12:57.596
You can always change the way you eat.

00:12:57.596 --> 00:12:59.419
In fact, I say a lot to women.

00:12:59.419 --> 00:13:07.366
Your body is like a Ferrari.

00:13:07.366 --> 00:13:08.409
You would never put cheap gas in the Ferrari, ever.

00:13:08.409 --> 00:13:09.273
Your body deserves high quality nutrition.

00:13:09.273 --> 00:13:12.722
It does not deserve cheap, fast or easy Right.

00:13:13.063 --> 00:13:13.686
That's, that's true.

00:13:13.686 --> 00:13:14.610
That's true, in fact.

00:13:14.610 --> 00:13:17.048
Let's talk about that a little bit, about sourcing our food.

00:13:17.048 --> 00:13:18.572
This may or may not be a myth.

00:13:18.572 --> 00:13:20.446
Let's see if we can dispel this myth or say it's true.

00:13:20.446 --> 00:13:28.990
First of all, that, basically, your weight is all about what you put in your mouth 95% yes, 95%, yes, okay.

00:13:29.010 --> 00:13:32.298
So since that's 95%, how important is sourcing?

00:13:32.298 --> 00:13:32.658
First of all?

00:13:32.658 --> 00:13:35.418
Let's go back, just in case some people don't know what is sourcing.

00:13:35.418 --> 00:13:39.400
First of all, let's go back, just in case some people don't know what is sourcing and why is it so important when it comes to our food?

00:13:39.400 --> 00:13:39.880

00:13:39.921 --> 00:13:42.241
your food comes from is where it's sourced from.

00:13:42.241 --> 00:13:47.835
So probably a lot of people hear about eat locally and eat seasonally.

00:13:47.835 --> 00:13:53.149
So we shouldn't be having blueberries in December because they're not grown that time yet.

00:13:53.149 --> 00:13:53.951
They're grown in the summer.

00:13:53.951 --> 00:13:55.937
This is the best time to have any kind of berries.

00:13:55.937 --> 00:13:59.154
Buying fresh, buying I'm sorry buying frozen in the winter, absolutely.

00:13:59.154 --> 00:14:01.494
That's a great thing because they're frozen right when they're fresh.

00:14:01.494 --> 00:14:04.312
But sourcing is do you know where your food came from?

00:14:04.312 --> 00:14:05.826
And we might not.

00:14:05.826 --> 00:14:18.529
I mean, it's hard to know exactly where everything came from, but you want to buy close to home as much as you can and much as you can, and really you want to be able to.

00:14:18.529 --> 00:14:21.860
If you buy processed foods, you want to be able to look at the ingredients and pronounce and know what they are.

00:14:21.880 --> 00:14:26.475
If you can't pronounce or know what they are, then more than likely it's not something you need to be putting into your body.

00:14:26.475 --> 00:14:31.657
It's interesting how the things that are good to put in your body are pretty easy to pronounce.

00:14:32.706 --> 00:14:36.975
And single ingredient foods apple, egg, meat and the whole.

00:14:36.975 --> 00:14:46.937
What drove me crazy is when the keto thing came out and people would say you know fruit's bad and in my experience nobody has ever gotten fat eating an apple, three apples, berries.

00:14:47.519 --> 00:14:59.263
No, I tell you, with all these different approaches, with meal plans and everything and I'm not going to poo-poo any particular kind of meal plan, but I do have some issues with some of them, because I believe that too much of anything is never good.

00:14:59.263 --> 00:15:01.629
All things in moderation.

00:15:01.629 --> 00:15:20.952
As we get older and we need that connective tissue and other kinds of things to get a complete protein, maybe you won't burn in hell if you decide to eat some kind of flesh like salmon or, you know, avocado, tuna or maybe a piece of chicken or whatever, if you've been a non-meat eater for a long time.

00:15:20.952 --> 00:15:27.356
As our bodies change, we have to check in with ourselves and figure out okay, do I still need to be eating this way?

00:15:27.356 --> 00:15:32.426
And you also need to figure out what's going on in terms of your vitamin levels, your hormonal levels and all of that.

00:15:32.426 --> 00:15:33.587
It's not.

00:15:33.587 --> 00:15:42.369
It doesn't have to be a complicated thing, but it is something that where you want to honor your body by just checking in with yourself to find out what's going on.

00:15:43.110 --> 00:15:46.077
Well and really paying attention to how you feel after a meal.

00:15:46.077 --> 00:15:47.366
Are you full?

00:15:47.366 --> 00:15:48.889
Do you have high energy?

00:15:48.889 --> 00:15:49.991
Do you have low energy?

00:15:49.991 --> 00:16:00.995
As we age, we lose muscle after the age of 40, unless we actively strength train and for your listeners to know, our muscles protect our bones.

00:16:00.995 --> 00:16:03.371
That's why so many older people fall.

00:16:03.371 --> 00:16:06.355
They break bones because they don't have any muscle that protects their bones.

00:16:06.355 --> 00:16:12.792
That's why strength training is vital, especially as we age and our protein needs actually increase as we age.

00:16:12.792 --> 00:16:17.907
Where you see, as you age, a lot of people, their appetites decrease.

00:16:17.907 --> 00:16:26.797
They actually need to eat more protein to protect the muscle that they do have and that's very hard because they might not want to eat that much, but you need it to protect the muscle.

00:16:27.284 --> 00:16:37.849
Well, let's talk about that, because when we first met, you spoke into my life about proteins and I knew that I need to increase my protein, but my number was like about 30 or 40 grams less than your number.

00:16:37.849 --> 00:16:48.917
Pam told me that we need to be doing at least 100 grams of protein a day, and some people might think 30, 30, 30, 30, 60, 30, 90.

00:16:48.917 --> 00:16:49.759
Okay, yeah, close to 100.

00:16:49.759 --> 00:16:55.697
So somebody was saying, well, oh my God, I don't eat meat or that's too many carbs for beans and rice.

00:16:55.697 --> 00:16:57.730
But, pam, what did you tell me about that?

00:16:58.553 --> 00:17:08.770
There are amazing protein shakes out there that you can have, and most of us women are not natural meat eaters Meaning I think of Fred Flintstone with a great big brontosaurus like thing in his hand.

00:17:08.770 --> 00:17:10.355
We're not natural meat eaters.

00:17:10.355 --> 00:17:12.409
I guess I do like meat, but I can't eat a lot of meat.

00:17:12.409 --> 00:17:16.178
I highly encourage women to find an amazing protein shake.

00:17:16.178 --> 00:17:17.931
You can have one or two a day.

00:17:17.931 --> 00:17:19.351
That'll get you 50 grams a day.

00:17:19.351 --> 00:17:25.314
That's halfway to your goal and it might seem like a lot, but we are carb eaters by nature.

00:17:25.314 --> 00:17:25.895
Women are.

00:17:25.895 --> 00:17:28.773
We need to flip that switch and make it every meal.

00:17:28.773 --> 00:17:34.094
You should think what's the protein I'm gonna eat first, then vegetables and then a healthy carb.

00:17:34.094 --> 00:17:41.646
Build your plate like that and you will see you'll be really full.

00:17:41.646 --> 00:17:42.250
You won't have sugar cravings.

00:17:42.250 --> 00:17:45.085
I mean, when you're full, you're not thinking about should I get those Oreos or not, you're just you're full, which is great.

00:17:45.085 --> 00:17:48.193
You don't have to eat meat to get the protein that you need.

00:17:49.005 --> 00:18:00.186
Absolutely, and I've been doing the 100 a day, coming close, and I do it with two shakes, you know one in the morning, early mornings.

00:18:00.186 --> 00:18:05.063
I want to make sure that I introduce protein in my system first thing in the morning, so I did that, and then one in the afternoon with a big lunch.

00:18:05.063 --> 00:18:06.686
And let's talk about calories.

00:18:06.686 --> 00:18:10.936
Here's another one that is somewhere around the myth, yes or no?

00:18:10.936 --> 00:18:13.634
Is it important for us to count calories?

00:18:13.634 --> 00:18:17.269
No, no, I agree with you.

00:18:17.269 --> 00:18:23.191
I didn't always agree with you, but especially as we get older, it really becomes about something else.

00:18:23.191 --> 00:18:24.535
Why is it important?

00:18:24.535 --> 00:18:25.827
Why shouldn't we not?

00:18:25.827 --> 00:18:27.211
That's a double negative.

00:18:27.211 --> 00:18:28.114
Why isn't it important?

00:18:28.494 --> 00:18:28.736

00:18:28.736 --> 00:18:32.796
So say, for example, your protein shake is 240 calories, so is a Snickers?

00:18:32.796 --> 00:18:35.891
Let's talk about the nutrition of what is in both of those.

00:18:35.891 --> 00:18:38.107
It's so important.

00:18:38.107 --> 00:18:44.893
What your body absorbs nutrient-wise From the Snickers not much, and then you get a sugar crash because you're not even full.

00:18:44.893 --> 00:19:00.369
From the protein shake, your body absorbs all those amazing vitamins and minerals and that protein and it works in your body, for your body and most women myself included, because I've made all the mistakes out there with every other woman we've been chronically under eating for years.

00:19:00.770 --> 00:19:08.113
We should not be depriving ourselves as long as we're eating real food some protein shakes, healthy carbs, lots of vegetables.

00:19:08.113 --> 00:19:12.928
It's like you can't eat too many vegetables, right?

00:19:12.928 --> 00:19:14.993
I was just having a conversation with a client.

00:19:14.993 --> 00:19:19.391
I said you know, I'm sorry to say, but a serving of rice or sweet potato, it's a half a cup.

00:19:19.391 --> 00:19:20.712
She's like oh, I was having a cup.

00:19:20.712 --> 00:19:23.478
I'm like, cut that back and add more vegetables in and add your.

00:19:23.478 --> 00:19:26.512
If you have a meat or protein shake, add that in.

00:19:26.512 --> 00:19:31.510
When you strictly think about calories, you're not thinking about the quality of what you're putting in your body.

00:19:31.510 --> 00:19:43.128
Many years ago, my in-laws were doing Weight Watchers 2005 in fact and I opened the cabinet in their house and they had a whole bunch of two point bars at the time which was made by Weight Watchers.

00:19:43.128 --> 00:19:45.013
I looked at the side of the box.

00:19:45.013 --> 00:19:48.329
Because of who I am, I'm like I can't even read all those ingredients.

00:19:48.671 --> 00:19:51.376
So, much gunk in there, so much awful stuff.

00:19:51.376 --> 00:19:55.611
And I said my mother-in-law, you'd be better off having an apple and a string cheese for two points.

00:19:55.611 --> 00:20:01.219
And she said, yeah, but these are more delicious, but I have two at a time, Like you don't even know what's in here.

00:20:01.519 --> 00:20:15.912
Look at these ingredients and it's amazing how your palate can change over time, which kind of feeds into the next question in terms of getting fit after 50, in particular, how important is mindset?

00:20:17.105 --> 00:20:23.314
It's the number one key to changing your life is mindset, because if you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.

00:20:23.314 --> 00:20:27.560
You have to know that you are 100% in charge of yourself.

00:20:27.560 --> 00:20:33.526
Nobody else can take care of your health for you.

00:20:33.526 --> 00:20:37.412
We can hire out housekeepers and cooks and Uber Eats and all that stuff, but for your health, it's the only thing where you are 100% in charge.

00:20:37.412 --> 00:20:40.675
And if you think, god, I'm never going to do it, you're never going to do it.

00:20:40.675 --> 00:20:43.601
If you think you know what, I'm going to take small steps.

00:20:43.601 --> 00:20:45.328
I'm going to walk every day.

00:20:45.328 --> 00:20:46.332
I'm going to drink enough water.

00:20:46.332 --> 00:20:47.516
I'm going to plan out my meals.

00:20:47.516 --> 00:20:48.949
I'm going to eat mostly real food.

00:20:48.949 --> 00:20:53.989
I'm going to get a friend to be an accountability partner, like, if you set yourself up for success, you will be successful.

00:20:54.229 --> 00:21:09.984
Yeah, you know, it's interesting too, because I think that finding the right tribe to help you on your wellness journey, whatever the wellness issue is, is extremely important, because on those days when your mindset isn't right, they can help get you there, because mindset is everything.

00:21:09.984 --> 00:21:21.520
And I also believe that when you are embarking on a new wellness journey, before you even start that wellness journey, you've got to find a way to start loving yourself as you are right now.

00:21:21.520 --> 00:21:30.712
That's so important, so that when you look in the mirror, you know sometimes, you know I look in the mirror like, oh, because I don't look like I'm 16.

00:21:30.712 --> 00:21:32.478
My God, I'm 67 years old.

00:21:32.478 --> 00:21:33.385
What the heck is wrong?

00:21:33.385 --> 00:21:35.788
If I did, I'd be worried.

00:21:36.229 --> 00:21:43.497
But you know, now I look at my body and say, well, sorry, but you know, now I look at my body and say, well, okay, yeah, I'm bigger now, but this body has birthed four daughters.

00:21:43.497 --> 00:21:47.480
You know, it has supported me to dance until I was 62.

00:21:47.480 --> 00:21:52.588
You know, I just go through the things that I'm.

00:21:52.588 --> 00:22:00.071
You know I love the color of my skin and you know things like that to begin to pour into myself in a different way, because, from a mindset perspective and also from a subconscious perspective.

00:22:00.071 --> 00:22:16.213
You are reprogramming yourself to begin to love you as you, and that makes it so much easier, as you're beginning to do other things that show your love for you, like watching what you eat and working out or walking or whatever, wherever it is.

00:22:16.213 --> 00:22:18.333
So I've always thought that mindset was important.

00:22:20.188 --> 00:22:23.837
I advise my clients to talk to themselves like they talk to their dogs.

00:22:23.837 --> 00:22:26.528
I love you.

00:22:26.528 --> 00:22:27.713
You're so beautiful.

00:22:27.713 --> 00:22:34.108
Whatever baby voice, you have that much love for yourself, looking yourself in the eyes.

00:22:34.108 --> 00:22:43.172
There should be none of the I hate, because these old girls have been through a lot and they are survivors and you have to be thankful for where you are right now.

00:22:43.172 --> 00:22:46.445
Today, we all know people that have passed before their time.

00:22:46.445 --> 00:22:48.069
They wish they could be here.

00:22:48.069 --> 00:22:54.576
So loving yourself, having gratitude for where you are right now and no change is possible one day at a time.

00:22:54.576 --> 00:22:59.411
And when women get frustrated, everybody gets frustrated, because your health is never a quick fix.

00:22:59.411 --> 00:23:01.836
You know we want to fix like this.

00:23:01.836 --> 00:23:05.451
I always say how long did it take you to gain the weight?

00:23:05.451 --> 00:23:07.016
That's right.

00:23:07.056 --> 00:23:07.938
You're absolutely right.

00:23:07.938 --> 00:23:10.814
It's going to take a little while Climbing up a mountain.

00:23:11.207 --> 00:23:12.997
It's going to take that long on the way back.

00:23:12.997 --> 00:23:13.681
That's right.

00:23:13.681 --> 00:23:17.755
Okay, so it's never going to be a week or a month.

00:23:17.755 --> 00:23:26.724
It could be six months, it could be a year, but time's going to pass anyway.

00:23:29.424 --> 00:23:30.047
Enjoy the journey, absolutely.

00:23:30.047 --> 00:23:30.749
This is so interesting.

00:23:30.749 --> 00:23:51.455
I've been having these kinds of conversations all morning long with various experts recording for the podcast and one theme that just keeps coming up over and over again is the importance of mindset, and everyone says that number one, number one, are the things you tell yourself, the things you think about, the things you focus on in your thoughts, and all of that Are you pouring into yourself?

00:23:51.455 --> 00:23:57.566
Are you affirming yourself, whether through affirmations or watching positive videos or things that make you feel good?

00:23:57.566 --> 00:23:58.327
Are you doing those?

00:23:58.327 --> 00:24:00.010
Are you working on being joyful?

00:24:00.391 --> 00:24:08.112
Because I think, as much work as it might take to be miserable, it takes just as much work to be joyful, to be happy, to feel good about yourself.

00:24:08.112 --> 00:24:10.557
It's something that you aspire to work on.

00:24:10.557 --> 00:24:17.229
It's not something that just automatically comes necessarily, especially when you're embarking on this wellness journey in midlife.

00:24:17.229 --> 00:24:19.932
Because, you're right, it took us a while to get to where we are.

00:24:19.932 --> 00:24:21.876
It's going to take us a while to get back.

00:24:21.876 --> 00:24:31.583
But the neat thing is, if you're focusing on positive outcomes and focusing on what's working in your life, then you just get more of that.

00:24:31.583 --> 00:24:36.195
I believe that what you focus on what you think about, what you ponder on, comes to pass.

00:24:37.204 --> 00:24:42.986
What you focus on, you find comes to pass.

00:24:43.006 --> 00:24:44.028
What you focus on, you find Absolutely, absolutely.

00:24:44.028 --> 00:24:57.001
So here's another one about myths Low impact training or low impact exercise is the best kind of exercise for women over 50 to do False strength training all day, every day, all day is.

00:24:57.362 --> 00:24:58.826
We grew up in the cardio era.

00:24:58.826 --> 00:25:01.895
Cardio, you know, a high impact aerobics and then step aerobics.

00:25:01.895 --> 00:25:02.586
And I teach step.

00:25:02.586 --> 00:25:08.769
I still love step, but women think they're doing so much good on the elliptical, they're not doing anything.

00:25:08.769 --> 00:25:09.231

00:25:09.231 --> 00:25:13.705
You will get more bang from your buck by spending the exact same time strength training.

00:25:13.705 --> 00:25:16.448
And if you don't know how to do it, hire a trainer, take a class.

00:25:16.448 --> 00:25:18.328
Tons of videos on YouTube.

00:25:18.328 --> 00:25:21.570
You it just.

00:25:21.570 --> 00:25:23.472
It does not do a lot of great for your body.

00:25:23.472 --> 00:25:28.576
Low impact go outside and walk this time of year, or just get up early, go outside and walk In the gym.

00:25:28.576 --> 00:25:32.498
You will benefit so much more from strength training than from low impact exercise.

00:25:33.338 --> 00:25:34.900
I absolutely agree.

00:25:34.900 --> 00:25:46.832
I'm a walker now because, like I said, it's hard for me to get into real, real exercise, because I used to always think that what if I hurt myself?

00:25:46.832 --> 00:25:49.221
I'm jumping up and down doing this thing and you know I was dancing all the time, so that was my exercise.

00:25:49.221 --> 00:25:50.465
But now I feel a little differently about that.

00:25:50.465 --> 00:25:57.190
So I do do exercises for certain parts of my body that I'm working on or because it makes me feel a certain way.

00:25:57.190 --> 00:26:01.788
And I still say that the walking is the best first thing in the morning.

00:26:01.788 --> 00:26:10.480
It sets my day and you know, if you can do it first thing in the morning, it really helps, helps you to have energy reserve for later in the day.

00:26:10.480 --> 00:26:14.270
I always have more energy when I walk in the morning or when I walk period.

00:26:14.270 --> 00:26:17.165
And that's another thing about movement and fitness.

00:26:17.165 --> 00:26:19.990
Some people say, well, I, you know afterwards I'm so tired.

00:26:19.990 --> 00:26:24.019
What do you say to that for people who feel like they're just too tired to work out?

00:26:24.825 --> 00:26:26.048
Exercise gives you energy.

00:26:26.048 --> 00:26:27.714
It really really does.

00:26:27.714 --> 00:26:30.443
So I would, wherever you are.

00:26:30.443 --> 00:26:33.653
If you're haven't worked out for 10 years, start with 10 minutes.

00:26:33.653 --> 00:26:34.855
That's not going to wear you out.

00:26:34.855 --> 00:26:36.950
You will have more energy throughout the day.

00:26:36.950 --> 00:26:38.974
You're exactly right that.

00:26:38.974 --> 00:26:42.288
If you did a crazy CrossFit class, yeah, you'll be exhausted.

00:26:42.288 --> 00:26:51.224
But meet yourself where you are right now and start small and you'll be surprised at how much more energy you have from starting moderately and keeping it up.

00:26:51.224 --> 00:27:00.755
I see so many women fail because they go hardcore and go crazy and don't take rest days and then they're spent your weight loss.

00:27:00.755 --> 00:27:01.738
Women want to lose weight.

00:27:01.738 --> 00:27:03.151
It's all about what you eat.

00:27:03.151 --> 00:27:04.932
The working out shapes your body.

00:27:04.932 --> 00:27:06.810
Don't kill yourself in the gym.

00:27:06.810 --> 00:27:08.029
That drives your hunger up.

00:27:08.029 --> 00:27:10.757
Be moderate in the gym because you don't want more hunger.

00:27:10.757 --> 00:27:16.076
Because if you are trying to lose weight, I'm not saying you want to eat less, but you want to have a mindful diet.

00:27:16.076 --> 00:27:19.355
But strength training really is the key for longevity.

00:27:22.365 --> 00:27:25.598
Now here's my last question, and this is something that's brand new that's coming, but I'd love to hear your opinion.

00:27:25.598 --> 00:27:36.490
Everybody's talking about it and it's called different names, but it's the medication that was originally created for one thing and now they're using it for this.

00:27:36.490 --> 00:27:39.692
What's your feelings about that, these new weight loss drugs?

00:27:40.213 --> 00:27:42.576
I think for morbidly obese people.

00:27:42.576 --> 00:27:43.998
It's amazing.

00:27:43.998 --> 00:27:46.862
Our technology is unbelievable for that.

00:27:46.862 --> 00:27:48.507
That's who it was made for.

00:27:48.527 --> 00:28:00.558
I also just saw a post by a regular size person who said she's taking it because she has insulin sensitivity and she's stabilized throughout the day taking that.

00:28:00.558 --> 00:28:05.473
But she gets a lot of hate from people saying you shouldn't take that because you're cheating.

00:28:05.473 --> 00:28:19.996
I think okay, and I do know women who are, who have taken it for the last 10 pounds, the last 15 pounds, if it makes them feel good, if they're ending their struggle.

00:28:19.996 --> 00:28:27.117
I one of my old clients she was 200 plus pounds for the whole time I've known her she's lost 60 pounds.

00:28:27.117 --> 00:28:37.266
She said I haven't been this size since high school If it gives you that, and she said what for her if it gives you that?

00:28:37.266 --> 00:28:38.048
And she said what for her?

00:28:38.067 --> 00:28:41.115
What it did is she used to have 24 7 food thought in her head starbucks and chips and just bad stuff.

00:28:41.115 --> 00:28:42.819
Like it was a movie that played all along my head.

00:28:42.819 --> 00:28:47.176
Those drugs took that away from me and now I can just eat like a regular person.

00:28:47.176 --> 00:28:52.891
If it enhances somebody's life like that and they can does I don't want to think about food.

00:28:52.891 --> 00:28:55.153
24 seven I mean that sounds terrible.

00:28:55.153 --> 00:28:59.419
If it can help you, I think that's great.

00:28:59.419 --> 00:29:11.231
I do hope that people who really need it don't run out of it, because the people who are losing yeah, that's been a concern lately, I guess is at least that's what they're saying.

00:29:11.732 --> 00:29:14.507
I mean, you know they can make enough if they really want to.

00:29:14.507 --> 00:29:18.507
I'm wondering if this is another way to kind of up the price, because it's not that much, you know.

00:29:18.507 --> 00:29:41.875
I don't know, but you know I feel like this, um something anytime you are introducing drugs into the system, you want to make sure that you are doing it under a doctor's care, hopefully an integrative doctor that's taking into consideration other things than just your body in terms of what's going on in your life, because sometimes the weight gain and everything else has to do with environmental factors and stress and things that are going on in your life.

00:29:41.875 --> 00:29:51.678
So if you're taking it, that's great, but reinforce what you're doing by still making those lifestyle changes Still eat healthy, still move, still move, still.

00:29:51.678 --> 00:29:53.161
You know pick that.

00:29:53.161 --> 00:29:58.615
You know stressed out husband to the curb if he's not getting better and causing you emotional issues.

00:29:58.615 --> 00:30:05.526
There's still things that maybe we need to do outside of just taking the drugs in order to make it a complete, fully mind, body, spirit.

00:30:05.526 --> 00:30:07.188
You know experience.

00:30:07.868 --> 00:30:09.912
And it promotes muscle loss.

00:30:09.912 --> 00:30:15.058
So it decreases your appetite and you lose muscle.

00:30:15.058 --> 00:30:22.750
So it might be a short-term solution, but long-term you still have to lift weights, you still have to prioritize protein, you still have to put the work in.

00:30:22.750 --> 00:30:24.818
It's not a magic pill.

00:30:24.818 --> 00:30:26.705
Forever you get the weight off Interesting.

00:30:26.746 --> 00:30:27.827
I hadn't heard that one.

00:30:28.709 --> 00:30:28.949

00:30:29.851 --> 00:30:41.249
Yeah, I've heard other side effects and you know, and because it's being used in this way and it hasn't been for a long, for a while, they're still collecting information in terms of side effects and things like that.

00:30:41.249 --> 00:30:48.538
But the only side effect that I've heard about on an ongoing basis is what it might do to your face in terms of losing weight in the face.

00:30:48.538 --> 00:31:00.498
You know, we don't get to, we don't get to decide okay, I'm going to take this and I'm going to lose weight for sure in my butt and you probably will eventually, but it may take from your face or other areas too.

00:31:00.498 --> 00:31:03.454
So you just have to have realistic expectations.

00:31:03.454 --> 00:31:06.634
And you told me something that they did when they started taking it.

00:31:07.005 --> 00:31:22.597
They also started going to a therapist to help them deal with not being morbidly obese anymore, because she still, even though she felt better, she still felt she still had a fat girl brain and a skinny body.

00:31:22.597 --> 00:31:32.711
And so she went to a therapist for six months while she was taking it and it really helped immensely because she was still having some of those like your friend, someone you said their thoughts changed.

00:31:32.711 --> 00:31:37.765
Her thoughts were now that I'm like this, am I good enough, kind of thing.

00:31:37.765 --> 00:31:41.574
Because so much of her self-esteem was tied to being thin means good.

00:31:41.574 --> 00:31:45.075
So now that she was thinner, am I really good?

00:31:45.075 --> 00:31:45.847
Maybe I'm not.

00:31:45.847 --> 00:31:46.791
I'm still the same person.

00:31:46.791 --> 00:31:47.046
I still.

00:31:47.046 --> 00:31:47.930
You know that kind of thing.

00:31:47.930 --> 00:31:48.984
So she had to.

00:31:48.984 --> 00:31:56.371
So you know, I think being aware of these kinds of things just makes your experience and outcome so much better.

00:31:56.371 --> 00:31:58.692
I think that we need to remain open minded.

00:31:58.692 --> 00:32:00.374
I don't believe in panaceas.

00:32:00.875 --> 00:32:13.808
You know, take this and then everything works, agreed 100% agreed, because there's still the stuff on the inside you have to deal with, yes, and there's still the work you have to put in into the gym.

00:32:13.808 --> 00:32:15.953
Everybody needs to be lifting, everybody does.

00:32:15.953 --> 00:32:20.692
So it's not like you take it and your life is perfect and your relationships are perfect and your body looks.

00:32:20.692 --> 00:32:24.048
I mean, you still have to put the work in Still have to.

00:32:24.509 --> 00:32:24.970
Well, well.

00:32:24.970 --> 00:32:29.807
Thank you, pam, for putting in the time with me and all of our missed appointments and everything.

00:32:29.807 --> 00:32:31.049
It was so worth it.

00:32:31.049 --> 00:32:34.557
It's been wonderful having you here today on the vibe living podcast.

00:32:35.057 --> 00:32:35.858
I'm thank you.

00:32:35.858 --> 00:32:38.451
We could talk for so many hours so I know we have to cut it off.

00:32:38.451 --> 00:32:39.555
It's been such a pleasure.

00:32:39.555 --> 00:32:40.195
Thank you very much.

00:32:40.215 --> 00:32:47.614
Well, we're going to grab coffee or something soon Cause one of the things inside, inside, behind the scenes story she lives in the same area that I live in.

00:32:47.614 --> 00:32:52.479
Can you believe that that's happened more times than not over the years.

00:32:52.479 --> 00:32:56.082
I'm talking to someone and then you know, running from the grocery store and like, oh, you're missing.

00:32:56.082 --> 00:32:57.167
No, I live right up the street.

00:32:57.167 --> 00:33:01.009
What Small world, the wonderful world of internet.

00:33:01.009 --> 00:33:04.914
Yes, thank you so much, and thank you to all of you who are, you know, here listening.

00:33:04.914 --> 00:33:09.636
I just love the fact that you've made a choice to spend a little time on the right living podcast.

00:33:09.636 --> 00:33:17.834
I love bringing you information that's going to help you to be more vibrant, more intuitive, more beautiful and empowered during your midlife journey.

00:33:17.834 --> 00:33:19.238
Keep coming back.

00:33:19.238 --> 00:33:24.057
I would love it if you would please like, share, comment, subscribe to the podcast.

00:33:24.057 --> 00:33:27.287
Have a fantastic day, everybody, and don't subscribe.

00:33:27.287 --> 00:33:47.988
Like and comment and share this podcast.

00:33:47.988 --> 00:33:51.012
Have a fantastic day and don't forget the vibe.

00:33:51.012 --> 00:33:51.953
Bye, bye, everybody.